On 16/09/2019 08:21, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
> On 16.09.2019 14:02, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
>> There should be a way to client request additional data (tz offset, tz
>> region as string, string length) to be returned together with the data.
>> A general solution, not a wrong specific/incomplete solution.
> OK, that's not bad.
> But on what level? SQL or API? (I.e. should it be function:


> select SomeTimestamp, getOffset(SomeTimestamp), ...

No. This is already possible, but tools cannot parse and augment SQL.

> or SQL session control:
> alter session append offset to timestamp with timezone

We must start think on the global picture.

Against many, I've made external engines had they own connection charset.

But then these session commands, which are completely related to
clients, seems global (client / external engines) now. And it does not
make any sense.

An external engine is another client of the same attachment, possibly
made in another language, with another client library. Things may broke
when one client adjust these session settings.

> or APi call:
> How do you see such feature?

In API, but I'm not completely satisfied with solutions as they were
done related to above problems.

Preferable settings should be done on statement basis, or external
engines must be somewhat treated as another attachment from this POV.


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