On 2020-08-25 05:07, Ian Lawrence Barwick wrote:

I maintain the PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper (FDW) for Firebird [1] and am
planning to verify it against Firebird 4 to check for compatibility,
new features
which need supporting etc.

[1] https://github.com/ibarwick/firebird_fdw/

To which end I thought I'd try building it from source (which I've never done
before for Firebird). Configuration done like this:

./configure --prefix=/opt/firebird4 \
   --with-editline \

Almost for sure --with-system-editline will be better - builtin editline is used in distributed binaries just to satisfy license.

   --with-service-port=3051 \

The actual "make" process went fine, following instructions found here:


but "make install" seems quite invasive as it requires root and complains
if there's a running Firebird instance (I have 3.0.x running from standard
packages), e.g.

     $ sudo make install
     Firebird Installation

     Press Enter to start installation or ^C to abort

     An instance of the Firebird server seems to be running.
     Please quit all Firebird applications and then proceed.

It also seems to want to copy files to "/usr/include/" (which
would overwrite package-installed files and generally mess things up).

What I would like to do is create a local installation in an arbitrary
directory and run it independently from any existing installations
for development purposes. Is this possible, and if so how?

Thanks for any pointers

You may use no-install approach - run where it was built. Just add SYSDBA user to security database in build dir (gen/Release/firebird)

    # cd gen/Release/firebird/bin
    # ./isql employee
    SQL> create user sysdba password 'masterkey';

and start 'firebird' binary

    # cd gen/Release/firebird/bin
    # ./firebird&

That's all - superserver listens at 3051.

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