Hi Mark,

> I think I have all the parts in place to replace the ant build(*). I 
> have updated the instructions in the docbuilding-howto on my branch.
> Is it OK to merge this?

Yes, by all means.

> *: I haven't written a task to replace the old fo2at task (which
> generates an Area Tree), although I have the parts in place to create
> one if it is necessary. Nor did I create a replacement for the fofix,
> docs, zip and the various cleanXXX tasks.

That's fine, we can always recreate them later as gradle tasks should
the need arise. The area tree was a temporary thing anyway, at a time
when I was also making some contributions to the FOP project in order
to get our Firebird PDF's right.

Paul Vinkenoog

PS: Apologies for my consistently slow replies!

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