sasha wrote:
>> For example, binding to the same object created for this is your friend. :)
> Not understand you :-/ My english is not good :-(

Create DS with i.e. 3 tables (this is probably new for you, AFAIK in Delphi 
was DS only with one table). Then bind first component to it and the second 
to the same instance (it's good to create some object, where the instace 
will be good accessible for both two components).

If you want, send me email, I'll send you some demo.

>> Cause DS in ADO.NET is complete offline image of data, it's filled always 
>> with all data from select.
>> But you can create/download layers with work i.e. with DataReader, which are 
>> able to do this.
>> BTW: DataSet's TableAdapter is using DataReader internally so you can (I 
>> hope) download also TableAdapters & DataSets with this functionality.
> You meant third party components? It's interestig. Do you know at list 
> one such DataSet and TableAdapter for .NET 2.0?

No, I don't know any. It's probably 'cause this behavior doesn't "well 
database handling" bahavior. If you need some data, it's expected, that you 
really need this data, so it's fetched all. If you're showing more than user 
wants or is able to work with, it's application design problem.

Jiri {x2} Cincura |

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