> Looking at my production system I see that I have an FDB file and an
> FDB.delta. The date of the FDB is May 2nd, 2013. The date of the
> delta is today.

These are just 2 separate databases. Firebird does not require a
special extension, ".fdb" ist just the usual extension to use.

>From the names I would guess that the .delta database has been derived
(copied) from the .fdb database and then changed (hence the delta).

> I believe that this is the reason I cannot directly connect to the
> FDB file on my new server?

It's difficult to say that when you don't specifiy *how* you cannot
connect to the fdb file (is there an error message? if so, which one?)

> In any event, is there some way to fold these two files back
> together into a single FDB?

No. At least not a simple, one-click "merge databases" way.



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