On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 12:28:36AM +0100, Stephan Neumeister wrote:
> Hello Rene,
> > Do you have a proxy installed?
> No. (Not yet....)
> >  Did you try to shut down the firewall-script?
> "stop" command ?

That would stop the firewall.  However, it will also remove the NAT'ing
of the firewall.  In which case internal traffic should _not_ be able to
get out at all.

> > Does your connection work normally then?
> No. Then nothing works from the internal network... (timeouts of
> web-requests, pings,...)

I think this was in reference to the gateway working fine.  However,
we've already established that it's able to get to all sites all the
time, right?

Jamin W. Collins

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