Hello Jamin,

> Not from what I recall, but I could very well be wrong (never really
> used PPPoE).  I thought, packets originating on the Linux box would obey
> the MTU, but packets coming in on other interfaces would have the MTU of
> their interface.

You could be right with MTU/MRU.
I found "http://www.sauff.com/dsl-faq/mtu-mini-faq.html#1.5";
It's in german language.....
They talk of MSS and MSSClamping. Here also GMX is mentioned (ICMP
blocking and so no path MTU discovery).

A solution of solving the MSS problem on a router system is mentioned:
* MTU:
  setting of MTU/MRU in ppp/option file:
  mru 1492
  mtu 1492
  (I triy to translate since there is some IPTABLES command which maybe
  is worth to be integrated into your firewall-script)
  "The rp-pppoe driver allows via the /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf an option
  CLAMPMSS=<value>. This file will only be evaluated if pppoe will be
  started by the included basch-scripts (adsl-*). If these scripts are
  not used the pppoe-binary must be called with option "-m <value>".
  Alternatively or with the kernel-driver which don't know such
  options, MSS-Clamping can be achieved from kernel 2.4 on with
  following line:
  usr/sbin/iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j
  TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu
  With kernel version 2.2 the module mssclampfw has to be loaded.

I use the kernel driven pppoe with rp-pppoe as an plugin to pppd so I
prefer the iptables thing.... ;-)

Only when entering the above command (or adding it to the end of the
"masq_networks()" routine) shows an error:
"iptables: No chain/target/match by that name"

Maybe a missing kernel module?!?
I will try finding some more details....

__)tephan Neumeister

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