Concerning the meaning (or effect) of information (or constraint) in
general, I have proposed that context is crucial in modulating the effect
-- in all cases.  Thus: it would be like the logical example:

 Effect = context a   x   Constraint ^context b


On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Christophe Menant <> wrote:

>  *Dear FISers,
> Indeed information can be considered downwards (physical & meaningless)
> and upwards (biological & meaningful). The difference being about
> interpretation or not.
> It also introduces an evolutionary approach to information processing and
> meaning generation.
> There is a chapter on that subject in a recent book (
> ).
> “Computation on Information, Meaning and Representations.An Evolutionary
> Approach”
> Content of the chapter:
> 1. Information and Meaning. Meaning Generation
> 1.1. Information.Meaning of information and quantity of information
> 1.2. Meaningful information and constraint satisfaction. A systemic
> approach
> 2. Information, Meaning and Representations. An Evolutionary Approach
> 2.1. Stay alive constraint and meaning generation for organisms
> 2.2. The Meaning Generator System (MGS). A systemic and evolutionary
> approach
> 2.3. Meaning transmission
> 2.4. Individual and species constraints. Group life constraints. Networks
> of meanings
> 2.5. From meaningful information to meaningful representations
> 3. Meaningful Information and Representations in Humans
> 4. Meaningful Information and Representations in Artificial Systems
> 4.1. Meaningful information and representations from traditional AI to
> Nouvelle AI. Embodied-situated AI
> 4.2. Meaningful representations versus the guidance theory of
> representation
> 4.3. Meaningful information and representations versus the enactive
> approach
> 5. Conclusion and Continuation
> 5.1. Conclusion
> 5.2. Continuation
> A version close to the final text can be reached at
> As Plamen says, we may be at the beginning of a new scientific revolution.
> But I’m afraid that an understanding of the meaning of information needs
> clear enough an understanding of the constraint at the source of the
> meaning generation process. And even for basic organic meanings coming from
> a “stay alive” constraint, we have to face the still mysterious nature of
> life. And for human meanings, the even more mysterious nature of human mind.
> This is not to discourage our efforts in investigating these questions.
> Just to put a stick in the ground showing where we stand.
> Best,
> Christophe
> *
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 13:47:28 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Fis] [Fwd: Re: Physics of computing]--Plamen S.
> -------- Mensaje original --------  Asunto: Re: [Fis] Physics of computing  
> Fecha:
> Fri, 16 Mar 2012 13:24:38 +0100  De: Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov
> <> <>  Para: Pedro
> C. Marijuan <> <>  
> Referencias:
> <><>
> <> <>
> +++++++++++
> Dear All,
> I could not agree more with Pedro's opinion. The referred article is
> interesting indeed. but, information is only physical in the narrow sense
> taken by conventional physicalistic-mechanistic-computational approaches.
> Such a statement defends the reductionist view at nature: sorry. But
> information is more than bits and Shanno's law and biology has far more to
> offer. I think we are at the beginning of a new scientific revolution. So,
> we may need to take our (Maxwell) "daemons" and (Turing) "oracles" closer
> under the lens. In fact, David Ball, the author of the Nature paper
> approached me after my talk in Brussels in 2010 on the Integral Biomathics
> approach and told me he thinks it were a step in the right direction:
> biology driven mathematics and computation.
> By the way, our book of ideas on IB will be released next month by
> Springer:
> If you wish to obtain it at a lower price (65 EUR incl. worldwide
> delivery) please send me your names, mailing addresses and phone numbers
> via email to: There must be at least 9 orders to keep
> that discount price..
> Best,
> Plamen
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Pedro C. Marijuan <
>> wrote:
>  Dear discussants,
> I tend to disagree with the motto "information is physical" if taken too
> strictly. Obviously if we look "downwards" it is OK, but in the "upward"
> direction it is different. Info is not only physical then, and the
> dimension of self-construction along the realization of life cycle has to
> be entered. Then the signal, the info, has "content" and "meaning".
> Otherwise if we insist only in the physical downward dimension we have just
> conventional computing/ info processing. My opinion is that the notion of
> absence is crucial for advancing in the upward, but useless in the
> downward.
> By the way, I already wrote about info and the absence theme in a 1994 or
> 1995 paper in BioSystems...
> best
> ---Pedro
> escribió:
>  Thanks John and Kevin to update issues in information, computation,
> energy and reality.
>  I would like point out to other articles more focused in how coherence
> and entanglement are used by living systems (far from thermal equilibrium):
> Engel G.S., Calhoun T.R., Read E.L., Ahn T.K., Mancal T., Cheng Y.C.,
> Blankenship R.E., Fleming G.R. (2007) Evidence for wavelike energy transfer
> through quantum coherence in photosynthetic systems. Nature, 446(7137):
> 782-786.
> Collini E., Scholes G. (2009) Coherent intrachain energy in migration in a
> conjugated polymer at room temperature.  Science, vol. 323 No. 5912 pp.
> 369-373.
> Gauger E.M., Rieper E., Morton J.J.L., Benjamin S.C., Vedral V. (2011)
> Sustained Quantum Coherence and Entanglement in the Avian Compass. Phys.
> Rev. Lett., 106: 040503.
> Cia, J. et al, (2009)  Dynamic entanglement in oscillating molecules.
> arXiv:0809.4906v1 [quant-ph]
> Sincerely,
> Walter
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