I am new to the list. Jumping in here...


Bill Seaman, An internationally known media artist, scholar, and media 
researcher, has historically explored an expanded media-oriented poetics 
through various technological means. More recently he has been exploring 
notions surrounding "Recombinant Informatics" — a multi-perspective approach to 
inventive knowledge production. He is currently working on a series of 
art/science collaborations — poetic installations and scientific research 
papers. The book Neosentience | The Benevolence Engine with Otto Rössler has 
recently come out on Intellect Press. He is also collaborating with 
artist/computer scientist Daniel Howe on multiple works exploring AI and 
creative writing/multi-media and completing an album of experimental music with 
Howe entitled Minor Distance. He is developing a new VR work and undertaking 
interface research with Todd Berreth; is exploring the creation of a 
transdisciplinary research tool "The Insight Engine" (funded by the Duke 
Institute for Brain Sciences); is collaborating with John Supko on a new 
generative audio work; and is working with Gideon May and Rachel Brady on 
re-articulating "The World Generator / The Engine of Desire" a virtual world 
building system. 

Seaman is a member of INBIOSA.


>From My PhD text Recombinant Poetics:

Charles Sanders Peirce, considered the founder of semiotics, speaks here about 
meaning processes:
"A sign [or representation] stands for something to the idea which it produces, 
or modifies. Or, it is a vehicle conveying into the mind something from 
without. That for which it stands is called its object; that which it conveys, 
its meaning; and the idea to which it gives rise, its interpretant." (Peirce, 
1931, p.171)
We can infer from Peirce’s statement that meaning is that which the sign 
conveys. It is a simple, clear, elegant thought. In his next paragraph, Peirce 
points toward part of the problem:
"But an endless series of representations, each representing the one behind it, 
may be conceived to have an absolute object at its limit. The meaning of a 
representation can be nothing but a representation. In fact it is nothing but 
the representation itself conceived as stripped of irrelevant clothing. But 
this clothing never can be completely stripped off; it is only changed for some 
more diaphanous. So there is an infinite regression here. Finally, the 
interpretant is nothing but another representation to which the torch of truth 
is handed along; and as representation, it has its interpretant again. Lo, 
another infinite series." (Peirce, 1931, p.171)
One finds infinite regression to present a salient problem surrounding the 
study of meaning. I must again state that emergent meaning can only be "pointed 
at" [see Wittgenstein] through language in that it arises in the mind of the 
participant  in relation to the experience of particular contexts. This fact 
suggests the need to generate a mechanism that can function as a higher order 
language, a meta-language, to better gesture toward the nature of emergent 
meaning through the construction and differentiation of context. (the 
construction of this mechanism was my World Generator System)…(Seaman, 2010)

PEIRCE, C. 1931. Collected Papers, Volume I–VIII. Cambridge: Harvard University 

Seaman, b (2010), Recombinant Poetics: Emergent Meaning Examined and Explored 
Within a Specific
Virtual Environment, Berlin: VDM Press.

Bill Seaman
Professor, Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies
DUKE UNIVERSITY                                         
114 b East Duke Building                                                
Box 90764                                                       
Durham, NC 27708, USA                   

On Mar 18, 2012, at 11:05 PM, Christophe Menant wrote:

> Dear Steven, 
> It is precisely the lack of a good definition for the term “meaning” that 
> brought me to propose a systemic approach to meaning generation. A system 
> submitted to a constraint generates meanings to satisfy its constraint. To 
> stay alive, an animal will generate meanings when sensing food (or 
> predators). The generated meanings will be used to determine actions: eat the 
> food (or run away from danger). 
> The proposed definition of meaning is (see 2.1 hereunder):
> “A meaning is a meaningful information that is created by a system submitted 
> to a constraint when it receives an incident information that has a 
> connection with the constraint. The meaning is formed of the connection 
> existing between the received information and the constraint of the system. 
> The function of the meaningful information is to participate to the 
> determination of an action that will be implemented in order to satisfy the 
> constraint of the system”. 
> This definition allows to model meaning generation by the Meaning Generator 
> System –MGS- (Fig 1).
> Meanings do not exist by themselves. A meaning is about a constraint and 
> about an entity of the environment. It is generated by and for a system. 
> Meaning generation links the system to its environment (2.2). 
> Agents contain several MGSs. An entity of the environment sensed by an agent 
> will generate several meanings. All these interrelated meanings will build up 
> networks of meanings relative to the entity. These networks of meanings lead 
> to the notion of meaningful representations that avoid the combinational 
> explosion (2.5) 
> The MGS is simple. It can be used as a building block for agents (animals, 
> humans, robots) assuming we correctly identify the constraints with their 
> intrinsic or derived nature (living entities vs artifacts. See 4).
> The case of humans is the most complex and difficult as we do not know the 
> nature of human mind. Human constraints are difficult to identify, but some 
> hypothesis can be made and bring perspectives on an evolutionary nature of 
> human mind (3). Much more is to be done in this area. 
> Best 
> Christophe
> > Subject: Re: [Fis] FW: [Fwd: Re: Physics of computing]--Plamen S.
> > From: ste...@iase.us
> > Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 10:53:19 -0700
> > CC: christophe.men...@hotmail.fr
> > To: fis@listas.unizar.es
> > 
> > Dear Christophe,
> > 
> > I don't buy this overloading of the term "information" by the 
> > "uoward/downward" argument. 
> > 
> > I also lament the lack of rigor concerning the definition of the term 
> > "information," but I lament more the lack of rigor concerning the 
> > definition of the term "meaning." What is the definition of the term in the 
> > chapter you reference? 
> > 
> > The best that I could guess in terms of my own work is that it refers to 
> > some action potential that is altered by information, although this does 
> > not exactly fit your description. This, as opposed to my own use of the 
> > term "meaning" as the term speaking about the behavior produced by the 
> > apprehension of a sign (Peirce's pragmaticism). In my terms the action 
> > potential to which you seem to refer is called "knowledge." By this 
> > definition "representations" do not have a fixed associated meaning, they 
> > do not always produce the same behavior. In apprehension by individuals 
> > they can be said to have an action potential that is additive to the 
> > current potential in the organism. This would be consistent with a claim 
> > that representations "mean" different things to different individuals in 
> > different contexts.
> > 
> > We also appear to disagree concerning the term "semantics," that I take in 
> > the spirit of logic (with Carnap) to refer only to the rules of language 
> > transformation.
> > 
> > With respect,
> > Steven
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Dr. Steven Ericsson-Zenith
> > Institute for Advanced Science & Engineering
> > http://iase.info
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Mar 16, 2012, at 11:18 AM, Christophe Menant wrote:
> > 
> > > Dear FISers, 
> > > Indeed information can be considered downwards (physical & meaningless) 
> > > and upwards (biological & meaningful). The difference being about 
> > > interpretation or not. 
> > > It also introduces an evolutionary approach to information processing and 
> > > meaning generation.
> > > There is a chapter on that subject in a recent book 
> > > (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Information-Computation-Philosophical-Understanding-Foundations/dp/toc/9814295477).
> > >  
> > > “Computation on Information, Meaning and Representations.An Evolutionary 
> > > Approach”
> > > Content of the chapter:
> > > 1. Information and Meaning. Meaning Generation
> > > 1.1. Information.Meaning of information and quantity of information
> > > 1.2. Meaningful information and constraint satisfaction. A systemic 
> > > approach
> > > 2. Information, Meaning and Representations. An Evolutionary Approach 
> > > 2.1. Stay alive constraint and meaning generation for organisms
> > > 2.2. The Meaning Generator System (MGS). A systemic and evolutionary 
> > > approach
> > > 2.3. Meaning transmission
> > > 2.4. Individual and species constraints. Group life constraints. Networks 
> > > of meanings
> > > 2.5. From meaningful information to meaningful representations
> > > 3. Meaningful Information and Representations in Humans
> > > 4. Meaningful Information and Representations in Artificial Systems
> > > 4.1. Meaningful information and representations from traditional AI to 
> > > Nouvelle AI. Embodied-situated AI
> > > 4.2. Meaningful representations versus the guidance theory of 
> > > representation
> > > 4.3. Meaningful information and representations versus the enactive 
> > > approach
> > > 5. Conclusion and Continuation
> > > 5.1. Conclusion
> > > 5.2. Continuation
> > > A version close to the final text can be reached at 
> > > http://crmenant.free.fr/2009BookChapter/C.Menant.211009.pdf
> > > 
> > > As Plamen says, we may be at the beginning of a new scientific 
> > > revolution. But I’m afraid that an understanding of the meaning of 
> > > information needs clear enough an understanding of the constraint at the 
> > > source of the meaning generation process. And even for basic organic 
> > > meanings coming from a “stay alive” constraint, we have to face the still 
> > > mysterious nature of life. And for human meanings, the even more 
> > > mysterious nature of human mind.
> > > This is not to discourage our efforts in investigating these questions. 
> > > Just to put a stick in the ground showing where we stand. 
> > > Best,
> > > Christophe 
> > > Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 13:47:28 +0100
> > > From: pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es
> > > To: fis@listas.unizar.es
> > > Subject: [Fis] [Fwd: Re: Physics of computing]--Plamen S.
> > > 
> > > -------- Mensaje original --------
> > > Asunto:   Re: [Fis] Physics of computing
> > > Fecha:    Fri, 16 Mar 2012 13:24:38 +0100
> > > De:       Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov <plamen.l.simeo...@gmail.com>
> > > Para:     Pedro C. Marijuan <pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es>
> > > Referencias: <20120316041607.66ffc68000...@1w8.tpn.terra.com> 
> > > <4f6321c3.5000...@aragon.es>
> > > 
> > > 
> > > +++++++++++
> > > 
> > > Dear All,
> > > 
> > > I could not agree more with Pedro's opinion. The referred article is 
> > > interesting indeed. but, information is only physical in the narrow sense 
> > > taken by conventional physicalistic-mechanistic-computational approaches. 
> > > Such a statement defends the reductionist view at nature: sorry. But 
> > > information is more than bits and Shanno's law and biology has far more 
> > > to offer. I think we are at the beginning of a new scientific revolution. 
> > > So, we may need to take our (Maxwell) "daemons" and (Turing) "oracles" 
> > > closer under the lens. In fact, David Ball, the author of the Nature 
> > > paper approached me after my talk in Brussels in 2010 on the Integral 
> > > Biomathics approach and told me he thinks it were a step in the right 
> > > direction: biology driven mathematics and computation. 
> > > 
> > > By the way, our book of ideas on IB will be released next month by 
> > > Springer: 
> > > http://www.springer.com/engineering/computational+intelligence+and+complexity/book/978-3-642-28110-5
> > > If you wish to obtain it at a lower price (65 EUR incl. worldwide 
> > > delivery) please send me your names, mailing addresses and phone numbers 
> > > via email to: pla...@simeio.org. There must be at least 9 orders to keep 
> > > that discount price..
> > > 
> > > Best,
> > > 
> > > Plamen
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Pedro C. Marijuan 
> > > <pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es> wrote:
> > > Dear discussants,
> > > 
> > > I tend to disagree with the motto "information is physical" if taken too 
> > > strictly. Obviously if we look "downwards" it is OK, but in the "upward" 
> > > direction it is different. Info is not only physical then, and the 
> > > dimension of self-construction along the realization of life cycle has to 
> > > be entered. Then the signal, the info, has "content" and "meaning". 
> > > Otherwise if we insist only in the physical downward dimension we have 
> > > just conventional computing/ info processing. My opinion is that the 
> > > notion of absence is crucial for advancing in the upward, but useless in 
> > > the downward. 
> > > By the way, I already wrote about info and the absence theme in a 1994 or 
> > > 1995 paper in BioSystems...
> > > 
> > > best
> > > 
> > > ---Pedro
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > walter.riof...@terra.com.pe escribió:
> > > Thanks John and Kevin to update issues in information, computation, 
> > > energy and reality.
> > > I would like point out to other articles more focused in how coherence 
> > > and entanglement are used by living systems (far from thermal 
> > > equilibrium): 
> > > 
> > > Engel G.S., Calhoun T.R., Read E.L., Ahn T.K., Mancal T., Cheng Y.C., 
> > > Blankenship R.E., Fleming G.R. (2007) Evidence for wavelike energy 
> > > transfer through quantum coherence in photosynthetic systems. Nature, 
> > > 446(7137): 782-786.
> > > 
> > > Collini E., Scholes G. (2009) Coherent intrachain energy in migration in 
> > > a conjugated polymer at room temperature. Science, vol. 323 No. 5912 pp. 
> > > 369-373.
> > > 
> > > Gauger E.M., Rieper E., Morton J.J.L., Benjamin S.C., Vedral V. (2011) 
> > > Sustained Quantum Coherence and Entanglement in the Avian Compass. Phys. 
> > > Rev. Lett., 106: 040503.
> > > 
> > > Cia, J. et al, (2009) Dynamic entanglement in oscillating molecules. 
> > > arXiv:0809.4906v1 [quant-ph]
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Sincerely,
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Walter
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
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> > > 
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> > > landline: +
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> > > email: pla...@simeio.org
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> > > 
> > > ------------------------------------------
> > > 
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