Hi Loet,

I appreciate the rigor of your comments.  I have some follow up responses 
interspersed below.

On Oct 30, 2014, at 2:11 AM, Loet Leydesdorff 
<l...@leydesdorff.net<mailto:l...@leydesdorff.net>> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

The metaphors are sometimes confusing. For example:

Along the line of your argument, meaningfulness would be exclusive to dynamical 
systems where agency, purpose, and self-interest have emerged.

I would further limit meaningfulness only to the cultural domain. Meaning can 
be provided by human agency. Sometimes meanings can be codified at the 
supra-individual level. The ascription of meaning by us to non-human behavior 
(of animals or molecules) does not mean that these non-human operate with 
meaning. As Maturana would say: it is “as if” a semantic domain is shaped (in 
second-order consensual domains).

The evolution of communication systems is a long standing interest of mine, but 
I don’t see a reason to limit ‘the meaning of meaning’ this way.  Evolved 
systems of communication result from coevolutionary dynamics that mold signals, 
which may have no meaning themselves without ‘agreement’ (sorry for pushing 
more metaphors here) in the ‘consensual domains’.  It strikes me as arbitrary 
to parse evolved signals from encounters with other sources of information as 
potentially meaningful to a system.  Wouldn’t you, for example, assign meaning 
to the sight of a tornado moving in your direction?  I’m sure it would induce 
activity on your part.

When such a system encounters a bit of physical information it might or might 
not apprehend the bit.

A bit is dimensionless and not “physical”. Probabilistic entropy is different 
from physical entropy (S = k(B) * H). The physical dimension (Joule/Kelvin) is 
provided by the Boltzmann constant. Bits are thus non-physical: not res 
extensa, but res cogitans (cogitatum).

Good point.  That was a bad choice of words on my part.  You could remove the 
word “bit” and still have my intended meaning.

It can only apprehend the bit if something about the system's dynamics is 
changed as a result of the encounter.  It would only be meaningful to that 
system if it is “a difference that makes a difference”.  In other words, if the 
change in the system’s dynamics affects system function in some way, then that 
bit of information was meaningful to that system.

This can lead to the measurement and testing of hypotheses.

That would be great, but I am not convinced.  I am portraying ‘meaning’ as 
subjective (internal) experience.  We could test for changes in the state of a 
system as a consequence of encountering information, but how can we know if the 
system found it meaningful?  Even personal reports from a human would be an 
imperfect measure.  However, if meaning were to operationally defined as a 
responsive change in internal dynamics, then I think we could begin to measure 

The example of the gravitational pull of the sun on the earth can
 be considered in this framework.  The first think I would say is that there 
are plenty of systems in and on the earth, but the planet itself does not 
necessarily constitute a system.

This is an empirical question (depending on the research question). Systemness 
can be tested, using for example, the Markov property.

I agree this should be possible, and I think it is a very important factor.

A big rock floating in space does not imply an internal system that could 
apprehend or change dynamically in response to gravitational pull.  On the 
other hand, dynamical geological processes within the earth, 
biological/ecological systems on the earth, or weather systems in the 
atmosphere might qualify; and these system could potentially apprehend and 
respond meaningfully to the sun’s gravitational pull.

Very metaphorical “apprehension” and “response”. One could also use “react”? Or 
do you mean “significantly” instead of “meaningfully”? Significance can be 
tested statistically.

You are right about the vagueness of my metaphors here.  Consider the movements 
of neutrinos or cosmic radiation through your body.  Some of them may move 
through without any affects on your structure (including the structures of your 
component parts, like individual molecules) or internal dynamics.  Others might 
affect these things.  I would say that you have not apprehended the things that 
did not affect you, and that structural affects without changes in internal 
dynamics would not be ‘meaningful’ to you.  You also have sensory organs 
designed to detect and react to particular modes of information, which makes us 
prone to attach meaning to information apprehended through those particular 
modes and organs.  For me, meaning need not be associated with consciousness or 
self-awareness.  I would say that as a hurricane over the ocean moves over 
land, information in the form of a changed gradient strength (or changed heat 
input from the earth’s surface) is ‘meaningful’ to that hurricane because the 
internal dynamics of the hurricane change in response to this information.



Guy Hoelzer, Associate Professor
Department of Biology
University of Nevada Reno

Phone:  775-784-4860
Fax:  775-784-1302
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