Dear Josh and colleagues,

I was planning to respond to Joseph's request too, but the arrival of your message has complicated my thoughts. I could not concur more forcefully with the basic contents you present! The "paradox of information" statement is terrific. Next days I will respond more cogently both to you and Joseph.

Joshua Augustus Bacigalupi wrote:
Greetings All;

I am new to your group, and am moved to contribute by the Machado passage posted by Pedro. Never have I read such a concise and eloquent rendering of how I've come to understand the dynamic physical process of mind and intelligence. The poetic focus this last week, and the thread's original "Far East" infusion, has been refreshing. However, I will try to contribute something towards a more formal expression of intelligence per Joe Brenner's suggestion.

My own research has led me to a number of realizations, not the least of which, very generally stated, is that the question of cognition, mind, and intelligence will only be understood by embracing a paradox of information - not in the the Shannon sense, but in the significance to organisms sense.

Namely, to be informed, in the sense that an agent's internal structure re-organizes so as to increase its chance of making significant choices in its indeterminate environment, is to do two seemingly contradictory things at once: 1) Re-organize so as to represent, or 'know', distinct objects and events in the agent's world that are relevant to it, and 2) Re-organize so as to represent, or 'know', the relevant inter-relations between these objects and events.

And, the crux of the paradox is that these two behaviors are /simultaneous/. Put very briefly, agents evolved to do this, I suggest, because physical reality is itself both distinct events and their inter-relations, /simultaneously/. Here in lies the numerical intractability of the /n/-body problem; because, both the barionic masses and their gravitational attributes co-exist, not as a sequential processes, but as a single unified dynamic.

It is here where I think this thread's openness to more (w)holistic world views can be very useful. Never the less, an /n/-body system, though numerically intractable, is still formally knowable to within knowable bounds. So, there is a both/and outcome, where distinct formalism, the so-called Western tradition, are employed as tools to both measure and influence the complex irreducible dynamics of self-adaptive systems.

"Wanderer, your footsteps are the road, and nothing more; wanderer, there is no road, the road is made by walking."

Celestial masses both form and are simultaneously formed by the dynamic gravitational terrain, an attribute intrinsically of the system. Similarly, I suggest that brain assemblages of neural, glial, and blood vessel cells both form and are simultaneously formed by their interstitial chemistry and fields into and out of complex terrains of mass and energy. Again, this system is intractable when assessed sequentially. There is a physical, and therefore, simultaneous dynamic between so-called parts and their whole.

"By walking one makes the road, and upon glancing behind one sees the path that never will be again. Wanderer, there is no road - only wakes upon the sea."

Amazing image. A beautiful rendering of a self-efficacious relationship between the distinct agent(s) and its(their) surroundings at every scale.


On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:29 AM, Pedro C. Marijuan < <>> wrote:

    Dear FISers,

    Herewith my contribution to the "poetic intelligence" tangent we
    have entered.
    It is in Spanish, from the great poet Antonio Machado:

    Caminante, son tus huellas
    el camino y nada más;
    Caminante, no hay camino,
    se hace camino al andar.
    Al andar se hace el camino,
    y al volver la vista atrás
    se ve la senda que nunca
    se ha de volver a pisar.
    Caminante no hay camino
    sino estelas en la mar.

    One English translation could say:

    “Wanderer, your footsteps are the road, and nothing more;
    wanderer, there is no road, the road is made by walking. By
    walking one makes the road, and upon glancing behind one sees the
    path that never will be trod again. Wanderer, there is no road--
    Only wakes upon the sea."

    I find it quite moving, and extremely complex on its meaning,
    quite "phenomenological" and deeply neurophilosophical. But above
    all, impressive.
    Thanks are due to Chuan, Stan, Joseph, Francesco... et al.

    Lee todo en: Caminante no hay camino - Poemas de Antonio Machado
    Francesco Rizzo wrote:

        Caro Joseph e cari Tutti,
        anche se rischio di essere bloccato o frainteso perché non ho
        voce linguistica di moda, nei numerosi interventi precedenti
        ho sottolineato l'importanza della parola composta
        emo-ra-zionalità, risultato della combinazione della
        "intelligenza emotiva" e della razionalità intellettuale.
        Nessuna descrizione non poetica della realtà può essere
        completa. Ilya Prigogine ha proposto di adottare nel campo
        della scienza il paradigma della musica. Henri Poincarè
        ritiene, talvolta, le equazioni o le funzione  un "museo
        teratologico" ed i modelli paradigmatici una scelta
        "convenzionale" o di comodità o di utilità. In "Incontro
        d'amore del cuore della fede e dell'intelligenza della
        scienza" (Aracne editrice, Roma, 2014) ho sostenuto la
        necessità del dialogo tra fede, ragione e scienza.  Albert
        Einstein afferma che ciò che si può contare (computare) non
        conta e ciò che conta non si può contare (computare). Secondo
        John  D. Barrow che gli "aspetti eventuali" del mondo non si
        possono riconoscere o generare con una sequenza di passi
        logici. La bellezza, la semplicità, la verità sono tutte, in
        questo senso, "proprietà eventuali". Non c'è alcuna formula
        magica o nessun programma o nessuna equazione che può generare
        tutta la bellezza o tutta la bruttezza del mondo. Le mail che
        ho inviato il 10, 15 e 18 marzo (non solo quest'ultima) in
        modo telegrafico affrontano questa problematica, purtroppo,
        non sono state tenute in considerazione. Ciò mi dispiace, ma
        non mi spinge a trascurare i contributi di tutti Voi che
        ringrazio per quanto m'insegnate. Grazie e affettuosi saluti.
        Francesco Rizzo.

        2015-03-19 19:27 GMT+01:00
        <> <
        <>> <
        <> <

            Dear Chuan, Rafael and All,

            There is a point in this exchange which perhaps should be
            addressed explicitly: everybody knows that people differ
        in their
            capacity to appreciate poetry emotionally. But we also
        differ in
            the capacity to appreciate the importance of poetry and
        art for
            science; this might be said to require an
            'intelligence' of poetry. Perhaps someone else can express
            what I am trying to say here.

            Best wishes,


            P.S. Admirers of Basho's haiku are directed to his far
            one to which this is a Californian response:

            Warm cloudy day in Spring
            Perched on a fresh leafy branch
            A young tow-hee

                ----Message d'origine----
                De : <>
        < <>>
                Date : 19/03/2015 - 08:35 (PST)
                À : <>
        < <>>

                Objet : Re: [Fis] Chuan's reply8 - THE FRONTIERS OF
                INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE-- an old poem as an echo

                Dear Chuan,
                thanks for sharing this poem.
                Allow me to thank you also with these texts where I try to
                reflect on Dao and Information Society
                This is a Chinese translation:
                See also:
                See also my activities and presentations in China:
                best regards
                Rafael Capurro

                    Dear Stanley N Salthe and All,

                             I am back to my duty from ten days hard work.
                    Reliving from tired let me come back to the
            breakpoint –
                    Stanley’s poem echo to Emily – and my draft reply
            as a new
                    poem the same. I will finish and put out next mail
            – reply as
                    another poem is “The Song of the Computer” and
            another poem
                    on Internet. These two have send in our FIS years
            ago. And
                    now “here a stay, and there a star”, now “
            struggling to
                    affect each other from our slowly burning bodies”,
            let us put
                    these stars here again as a bunch of flower first.

                             Let this as my echo. We can image a
            Science fiction:
                    long long after, there is a country, there  set
            such an law :
                    if you have not replied an poet’s poem at once, if
            delay five
                    days, you are evil. So let me use an old poem echo
            your poem
as soon as I finished my heavy work. Thanks for you poem. That is nice!

More reply and the new later. Best wishes,

Chuan 2015-3-19

                        -- ---原始邮件-----
                        *发件人:* "Stanley N Salthe"
            < <>>
                        *发送时间:* 2015-03-14 03:41:00
                        *收件人:* "赵川" <
                        *主题:* Re: [Fis] Chuan's reply7 - THE
            FRONTIERS OF
                        INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE-- a poem & the π-festival

                        Chuan, fis'rs

                        Here is a poem I wrote a couple of years ago:

                        internet fellowship
                            is like --

                                being in heaven?


                             disembodied spirits

                                  struggling to affect

                             each other.

                        patterns of ‘on and off’ in the waves and wires

                        like cells in an organism

                         we’re disembodied spirits launched from our
                        burning bodies,

                               the fuel for our cognitions,

                                    like charcoal for a flame

                        maybe this is (what) heaven (is like)

                               launched upon the embers of hell.


                        On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 11:18 AM, 赵川
            < <>
            <>>> wrote:

                            *Dear FISers, *

                                     These days I am doing a heavy and
                            work that I can not finish my respond
            mail. Though
                            there are many ideas emerge in my mind.

                                     Let me put a poem of Emily
            DIKINSON in our
dear discussion. *OUR SHARE OF NIGHT TO BEAR*


                            Our share of nights to hear –

                            Our share of morning –

                            Our blank in bliss to fill

                            Our blank in scorning –

Here a star, and there a star,

                            Some lose their way!

                            Here a mist, and there a mist,

                            Afterwards – Day!



                                     For I thought of the image of
            “here is a
                            star, and there is a star” and looked for
            this poem
                            to share here. Let us shine and share.

                                     Dear Joseph, I agree with the
                            Lem’s opinion.

                                     Yes, she is right: afterwards – Day!

                                     Tomorrow is π-festival – March 14
            - 3.14. I
                            celebrated aπ-festival this afternoon. That is
                            wonderful. And it is the birthday of
            Einstein the same.



                            March 13, 2015

                            Fis mailing list
            <> <

                    Fis mailing list
            < <>>

-- Prof.em. Dr. Rafael Capurro Hochschule der Medien (HdM), Stuttgart, Germany
                Capurro Fiek Foundation for Information Ethics
                Distinguished Researcher at the African Centre of
        Excellence for Information Ethics (ACEIE), Department of
        Information Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
                Chair, International Center for Information Ethics
        (ICIE) (
                Editor in Chief, International Review of Information
        Ethics (IRIE) (
                Postal Address: Redtenbacherstr. 9, 76133 Karlsruhe,
                E-Mail: <>
        < <>>
                Voice: + 49 - 721 - 98 22 9 - 22
        <tel:%2B%2049%20-%20721%20-%2098%2022%209%20-%2022> (Fax: -21)
                Homepage: <>

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        < <>>

-- -------------------------------------------------
    Pedro C. Marijuán
    Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
    Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
    Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
    Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
    50009 Zaragoza, Spain
    Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 <tel:%2B34%20976%2071%203526> (& 6818) <>

    Fis mailing list <>

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 6818)

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