Hi again, and thanks for your answers !

> > - I don't understand the multiline editing for things other than
> > function/loops, eg :
> >    ls \
> >    -l
> >   doesn't work as "ls -l" ?! An I need multiline for clearer scripts
> >
> This is how I personally expect things to work. I expect a backlashed
> newline to be the same thing as a real newline except it doesn't cuase
> the command to exit right now. But I may be in a minority, dunno. Most
> shellscript languages seem to do what you expect, but e.g. CPP does
> what I expect.

So, what I was thinking about was something to put a command on
multiple lines not in an interactive shell, but in a script:

my_command_with_many arguments \
     argument_1 \
     argument_2 \ # a comment about this

> > - two things that I miss from my zsh config:
> >  1)the right prompt, i saw it's on your plans, that would be my top wish :)
> The current devel version of fish has something different with mostly
> the same advantages. If you are writing a command which becomes too
> long to fit on the line, the prompt will automatically move to a line
> of it's own, giving the shellscript code the entire screen width to
> itself. This is of course not the same thing, but hopefully it's good
> enough until someone implements a right hand side prompt. Personally,
> I've found it to be a very nice feature.

Ok, so for me the main advantage of a right prompt is not only for the
long commands, but mainly for the fact that on the left side my prompt
is of *fixed size* and everything is well aligned : so it's mostly a
clarity issue :)

Have a good time hacking on fish ! :-) (and next being defaut on
$your_favorite_distribution and next world domination)
Concerning myself I am still jungling between fish and zsh (mainly
because the second still has better completions of the second for git,
configure, make etc) but now it's definitively harder to live without
fish syntax coloring, simple and well done history search, completions
without messing with an infinite config file...


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