On Nov 2, 2007 1:13 AM, Martin Bähr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 01:00:58AM +0100, Axel Liljencrantz wrote:
> > > - Fish help facilities are great ! One thing though: hypertext is
> > > great, but I don't like it openned *by default* out of the term I'm
> > > in, somewhere out there in a graphical browser...
> > That's easy to fix! :-)
> > set -U BROWSER links
> that would change the default browser, ideally i'd prefer to set a browser
> specifically for fish somewhere.

IT would be possible to make a wrapper around the help function that
sets browser, calls the internal help function, resets browser and
exits. It's a bit of a hassle, though.

> on debian systems there are also www-browser and x-www-browser links,
> where www-browser points to a terminal application.
> > >  2)<tab><tab> picking one from the proposed completions and rotates,
> > > when I'm really lazy taping....
> > I've though a lot about that. I definitly want some interface where
> > you can pick one of the available completions, but I'm not really sure
> > that is the right interface.
> vi does that, and it's really annoying. without seeing the list, i can't
> tell how often i need to hit tab to make it work, and even with seeing
> the list, if you have lots of completions then you may have to hit tab
> hundreds of times. or you have to go back and delete a few chars to get
> to the point you need to continue.
> maybe it's possible to show a suggestion without moving the cursor to
> the end so that you can continue typing and simply ignore the
> suggestion. like autocomplete in some applications.

I imagine that one should still get the pager, only it is possible to
select an item from it. And I definitely think that you should be able
to exit the pager by starting to type.

> speaking of completions, is it possible to make
> /foo/bar<tab>gazong NOT jump to the end of gazong but actually complete
> /foo/bar?

Yes, it would. I've been planning on removing that feature for a long
time, since I don't really like it that much. Haven't gotten to it...


> greetings, martin.
> --
> cooperative communication with sTeam      -     caudium, pike, roxen and unix
> offering: programming, training and administration   -  anywhere in the world
> --
> pike programmer   working in new zealand        open-steam.org|webhaven.co.nz
> unix system-      bahai.or.at                        iaeste.(tuwien.ac|or).at
> administrator     (caudium|gotpike).org                          is.schon.org
> Martin Bähr       http://www.iaeste.or.at/~mbaehr/

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