On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 4:54 PM, James Bowlin <bow...@mindspring.com> wrote:

> One problem (which might be easy to solve) is the
> __fish_print_help function does not use a pager.  This is fine
> for short pages but can cause a difficulty for long pages viewed
> in the vconsole.  I discuss this a bit in my reply to Grissiom's
> message below yours.  (posted after you posted this message)
> Just use the external man command and give it an absolute path.
> man $__fish_datadir/man/$fish_help_item.1

All the fish man pages are in a single directory, so checking for their
existence is trivial.
> test -f $__fish_datadir/man/$fish_help_item.1

Also, we look for the existence of an external (to fish) man page
> by merely doing "if type -f $command > /dev/null".  Maybe it
> would be better to do something like:
>    if man -w $command ^ /dev/null | grep -q "^/"
> which should only hit if an actual man page for $command exists.
> Definitely agree. I noticed this the other day but forgot about it when I
was writing my last email.

> It would be easier for me to make the changes now while the code
> is still in my RAM.  If we wait, it will have to be retrieved
> from tapes in the back room of my head.  I'm happy to do it now.
> I don't mean do it later. I just mean split changes into a patch series so
they are easy to review, easier to bisect, and you can start getting fixes
committed earlier.

> Then I'd like to see the
> information in the fish man pages duplicate the information in
> the HTML help pages (assuming this would be easy to do).  That
> way, we would have three different interfaces to the same
> information which would make the system as robust as possible.

> We could also check the return code from the browser, but eval
> seems to be broken in a way that makes this impossible because it
> substitutes its own error code for the code of the program it was
> trying to run.  Does anyone know a way of getting the error code
> of the program eval tried to run?
> I have a couple of commits in fish-next that should fix this. So now (eval
false; echo $status) should give 1 and (eval true; echo $status) should give
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