On Thu, 17 Mar 2016, Kurtis Rader wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 12:54 AM, Stestagg <stest...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I was under the impression that, on GitHub, pull requests are as easy to
> > discover as issues. Give this, I'm not sure I understand the benefit of
> > this restriction
> It's hard enough to get people to search the open issues before opening a
> new issue. But that isn't really the motivation. What drove me to propose
> this was researching the reason for several changes and finding nothing but
> the original commit comment. And that commit comment was sorely lacking in
> terms of details such as the rationale for the change.
> Also, I want to make it really clear that this would not be a
> "restriction". I would never summarily reject someones non-trivial
> pull-request solely because it wasn't tied to an open issue. Because this
> is an open source project rather than internal to a company we cannot, and
> do not, want to impose that level of control. What I'm wondering is if
> others have been as frustrated as myself when trying to figure out why many
> changes are being made and if we can foster an environment that encourages
> a little more discussion before people go to the trouble of making a
> pull-request.

I'm not really fussed either way. I think GitHub is slowly moving away 
from the pull-requests as issues model and using them more for code review 
- see the change to not display them in the issues list by default. As you 
say, it can sometimes be difficult to understand the rationale for a 
particular change down the track.

One way this could be encouraged is by writing a pull request template, 
as has been done for issues, and including a suggestion to link to the 
open issue.

David Adam

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