On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 8:42 AM, Bram Geron <b...@bram.xyz> wrote:

> Great initiative, Mark!

Thanks so much for the feedback! See my replies inline below.

> - It might be useful to give some advice on the glob behaviour. In bash
> scripts, I often do something like rm -f *.o, which removes any *.o files
> if they exist and succeeds silently otherwise. It would be great if there
> was something we could recommend for .fish scripts. (I don't know what
> though.)

Is the issue that in fish if there are no matches, this does is not silent?
That's the only difference I see.

> - I think the third bullet point of Goals reads better without the
> parentheses and perhaps with a double <br>.

The reason I put that in parens is because it is the only part of the goal
list that is my own editorializing. That is not included in the official
list of goals on the fish website. Do you still think I should remove the
parens? I'm not sure how else to set it off from the goal text that I
copied from the website.

> - Under Default Shell, consider including ", or use the path where your
> fish is installed, which you can find with 'which fish'". For instance, I
> have Fish from the Ubuntu(/Debian) package, which puts it in /usr/bin .

In the "Starting" section I describe how to start a fish shell if that is
not the default. It seems unlikely that fish would be installed in a
directory that is not in PATH, so why would someone start it by entering
something like "/usr/bin/fish" instead of just "fish"?

> - Under Help, I would not compare `help` and `man`. Help is for
> fish-specific things, and man is for installed programs. Using "command"
> for the things they both provide help about suggests that they can show
> information about the same set of things.

I clarified that "help" is only for fish commands.

> - Under Autosuggestions, consider not telling the reader yet about the
> customization, perhaps also not the ghosting.

I thought ghosting was a very interesting part.

> - Under Commands, you seem to suggest that if/switch/for/while are
> themselves commands, which I don't think is the case.

All of them are in the list of commands here:

> Fish is much much more structured than bash, but I feel comparing it to
> Lisp is perhaps going a bit far :)

What I mean is that calling functions in both Lisp and fish have the same
structure of fn-name arg1 arg2 ...
The difference is that you have to put parens around it in Lisp.
Of course you also do that in fish to use the output of one function as an
argument to another like this.
echo 'Today is' (date) '.'

> Again, consider delaying the customization aspect.
> - Under Commands, maybe explain $status by reference to sh's $? which I
> think most people know.

I added that.

> By this point, you haven't yet explained what variables are or what the
> syntax for them is, although this can probably be very brief.
> - I don't think you need to explain `true` and `false`, as they are
> present on every Posix system.

I kind of don't want to assume all readers will have much experience in
other shells. I want to also target Windows developers that have only used
a Command Prompt. That's why I don't want to omit explaining things like
true and false.

> If I have more time I might go through the rest.


> Thanks for writing this. I learned a couple of new things!

I was hoping that would be the case for most people. I sure learned a lot
writing this!

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.
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