This message is from: "Beaver Dam Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia --

Hi Solveig,

So glad you like this idea. -- The thing is it's just a germ of an idea, but it does address the whole purpose of Evaluations, which is to evaluate as many of the entire Fjord population as possible in order to protect and preserve the breed.

This message is from: "Olivia Farm, Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hello everyone from Olivia Farm,

Personally, we like the idea of DVD/Video evaluations. And we like even more the idea of adding free longeing to the evaluations. We have been talking for quite a while about the fact that our evaluators are pretty efficient at judging conformation and the movement they are shown, but that so often they are not shown the full potential of the horses movement. Free longeing would definitely help that out.

Regarding the concerns you expressed, why couldn't there be an instructional DVD made showing exactly how the horses should be presented. This would be pretty much the same as all the pre-evaluation clinics that are held.

However, if the person presenting the horse does not follow the methods and show the horse correctly, then the DVD would be returned asking for another try.

But there are a few concerns. What happens when the person doing the free longeing doesn't know how to get the horse really moving? I have watched many a sales video, even ones made by good horse people, that never show the true potential of the horse. In a live evaluation this wouldn't be a problem, the evaluator would just ask for more trot or whatever, but by video they wouldn't have that option. What if the person on the video couldn't set the horse up properly? The evaluators couldn't ask for the horse to be repositioned, and you end up with bigger scoring problems than before.


I did propose "video" evaluations some years ago, but at that time nobody was interested. -- There are five things we must consider regarding our NFHR Evaluations, and the first is . . .

#1 - The purpose of Evaluations is to preserve and protect the breed, and the only way to do that is to evaluate the general Fjord population. (as many as possible)

#2 - Distance. time & money is going to prevent the majority of Fjords from traveling to Evaluations. -- #3 - If we don't allow video or DVD Evaluations, the majority of Fjords will not be evaluated.

#4 - In this case, the few people who do travel to Evaluations will only bring their best horse or horses, which are precisely the horses that have the least need of Evaluations. -- #5 - If the majority of Fjord owners are shut out of the Evaluations by distance, time & money, then there will be only a small group of evaluated horses. The result of this will be a small, "elite" group of evaluated horses. -- This could be very dangerous in regards to the gene pool . I can certainly imagine the results of only a few "blue ribbon" stallions -- rather than the much larger group there might be if everyone had a chance to have their horses evaluated.

Is this a good thing for the breed?  --  Well, I think so!

If you think it might be, let's please discuss it a lot more. -- And after our Digest discussions, then we'll have to send these ideas to the BOD for their consideration.
Solveig said . . .

But there are a few concerns. What happens when the person doing the free longeing doesn't know how to get the horse really moving? I have watched many a sales video, even ones made by good horse people, that never show the true potential of the horse. In a live evaluation this wouldn't be a problem, the evaluator would just ask for more trot or whatever, but by video they wouldn't have that option. What if the person on the video couldn't set the horse up properly? The evaluators couldn't ask for the horse to be repositioned, and you end up with bigger scoring problems than before.

I think we just have to have honourable judges, and if we think they're not, then we better get some new ones.

I've mostly dealt with European judges, and I wouldn't for a minute question their honesty and impartiality.

Kind Regards,  Carol Rivorie

Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II, Ltd.
Phone: 902-386-2304  Fax: 902-386-2149
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