This message is from: "Beaver Dam Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia --

For a while now, I've heard bits and snippets about the formation of a Fjord Foundation, and that it was begun by a large donation from NFHR president, Neil Sorum. -- This sounds like a very BIG DEAL, which should be of interest to everyone in the Fjord world, but as far as I know, there's been little concrete information about it.

--- I've been asking everybody I know in the Fjord world, including some on the Board of Directors, what exactly is this Fjord Foundation all about, and I still haven't gotten an answer. Nobody seems to know. --- As I say, it does sound like a very big deal to me, and as such, it's something I should know mroe about.

According to my information, it was started with a several thousand dollar donation by Registry president, Neil Sorum. -- I would assume that other "founding members" have also donated. All the other members are well-known breeders. --

Do we as members have the right to know how much money is involved? And what it's spent on?

The current Fjord Herald has an article written by NFHR President, Neil Surum, titled -

"SUPPORT THE NORWEGIAN FJORDHORSE FOUNDATION -- MORE WAYS TO GIVE THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED" ----It tells us all the ways we can give to the Foundation, but not a word about what will be done with the money. -- You can give cash . . publicly traded securities . . . real estate and real estate with lifetime use . . . closely held stock . . . retirement assets . . . U.S. Savings Bonds . . . annuities . . . life insurance.

When you're talking about stocks, bonds, annuities, reitrement assets, life insurance -- That is "Big Stuff" -- One of my many questions is --- WHAT WILL BE DONE WITH THE MONEY ? . . . . . And, WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM THE MONEY?

The Spring 2005 issue of the Herald had an article written by Catherine Lassessen titled -


This article didn't tell me much either. ---The first puzzling statement says . . . "

At 2:49pm on Nov. 22, 2004, Charles Kelly, Jr., filed the incorporation papers in Iowa, forming a firm foundation for the future of the Fjord in the Midwest." -- Could this be a direct quote from the incorporation papers? That the Foundation is founding a "firm foundation" for the future of the Fjord in the Midwest"? -- "Firm foundation for the future of the Fjord in the MIDWEST" -- What does this mean? . . . . ."In the Midwest"?

I'm wondering who Charles Kelly, Jr. is? --- Is he a Fjord owner or breeder? I don't see his name in the Fjord Registry Roster. -- The article tells us that three other "founding members" set up the Foundation. They are - Registry President Neil Sorum, NFHR Vice President Mark McGinley, and NFHR Secretary Catherine Lassesen.

Frankly, I find it more than strange that the article states that . . . (the Foundations) "is an independent organization from the Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry, though the plan is to work hand in hand with each other for the benefit of the Norwegian Fjord"

HOW INDEPENDENT CAN IT BE WHEN THE COMMITTEE THAT SET IT UP IS COMPOSED OF - Registry President Neil Sorum, NFHR Vice President Mark McGinley, and NFHR Secretary, Catherine Lassessen. --

And how independent can it be when they plan to work "HAND IN HAND WITH EACH OTHER"?

Other members of the Foundation are - Ann Appleby, Fred Brandt, Howard Fiedler, Brian Jensen & Phil Odden. -- All breeders.

Catherine Lassessen's article in the Spring Herald says the foundation will . . . "help further the Fjord breed by promoting its purity and history, offering education about the unique horses, and supporting research, among other nonprofit endeavors."

*  How does it plan to promote purity?

* How does it plan to promote the history of the breed? -- Will it advertise?

* I'm particularly curious about "supporting research" - What does this mean?

The Foundation says they are currently working towards "establishing tight mission and vision statement" -- Shouldn't they know what their mission and vision is BEFORE asking for money?

The Foundation also says their current work is "setting short and long-term goals" -- Again, shouldn't these goals be set BEFORE asking for money? -- I would hope that nobody would consider donating their assets BEFORE this Foundation sets its goals.

They also say that their "current work" is "IMPLEMENTING MARKETING" -- Hmmm! What does this mean? -- Pardon me for being cynical, but when everybody in this Foundation group is a breeder with horses to sell, I just wonder . . . . The purpose of advertising is to attract customers. -- I would like to know exactly to whom these "attracted customers" will be responding?

Is anyone else out there in Fjord Digest land curious about this new Fjord entity . . The Foundation? -- Does anybody else find it strange that a Foundation asking for very large charitable donations should be set up by officers of the NFHR, and should be claiming that it is an "indenpendent organization" from the NFHR?

Is anybody else skeptical that these NFHR officers who are all breeders and have horses to sell, as well as the other Foundation members who are breeders are going to be benfiting from the Foundation's advertising???

Perhaps this is all very high-minded and above reproach, and I'm just a suspicious old lady . . . . BUT, I would like to know more. And, in fact, would be pretty dumb not to try and learn more.

Sincerely,  Carol Rivoire

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