This message is from: "LYNN BINKOWSKI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My fjord recently was diagnosed w/ Lyme disease, fortunately her only symptom has been shelly feet (an astute horsewoman suggested I have a Lyme titer drawn after I mentioned that she couldn't keep shoes on for more than 4-5 weeks). All 4 hooves just suddenly went terrible, chipping, etc., though I do feed a hoof supplement and apply hoof conditioners. Sure enough, the test came back strongly positive, 1 to 5000.

I need suggestions on ways to hide the tetracycline powder in some tasty treat so Trina will eat it. She is being very stubborn and is convinced we are trying to poison her. I have tried mixing it with:
grain and molassess
grain and honey
dengie and sweet feed

The dengie and dengie/sweet feed combination works for a few mouthfuls, but then she must get a taste of the antibiotic and turns up her nose.

The entire process is further complicated in that Trina is normally turned out 24/7 with 2 other horses, so must be brought into a stall to be medicated. Leaving her cooped up hoping she'll get bored and eat the stuff is a bit taxing, and could take hours. She needs the medication twice a day for a month, so it would be nice to find something she will scarf down! I'm thinking of pouring a can of beer in the feedtub next!

Lynn Towill and picky porky pony Trina
Plymouth, CT

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