This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello List,
     Just mailed out the April Newsletter and members  should be getting it 
within a week.  If you are a member of the PNFPG and  don't receive one please 
let me know.  We have a new members list and I  want to make sure it's as 
accuracte as can be.  Remember that dues for the  PNFPG are due in September 
should be sent to Sylvia Riddle, our  secretary.  It's easy to remember as the 
Libby show is in September  too:)
     The next Newsletter will be our Mare and foal  issue.  Please send in 
your birth announcements and photos.  If you  have an interesting foaling 
experience to share please send to Ursula Jensen or  Kathy Rollins.  The 
fills up fast so get your arcticles,  stories, and ads in.  Being a member 
insures you receive four newsletters a  year and other group mailings and 
priviledges so if you are not  currently a member becomming one is an easy 
thing to do..only $20.00 a  year.  Hope you are all having a wonderful spring.  
Kathleen  Rollins

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