This message is from: Anneli Sundkvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think Marsha's contribution to the 'stubborness-thread' was great! Very
few horse people consider the circumstanses that have formed every single
breed when they talk about breed characteristics, which I think we need to
remind people of when they talk about 'stubborn' or 'fat' fjords.

Personally, I can think of few breeds (ok - I'm generalizing) more suitable
as trail horses than fjords. They carry much weight, have a 'cool'
dsiposition and are smooth-gaited. And in my experience, most of them stay
with you even if you let them loose (e.g. for mushroom picking or having a
cup of coffee). I've picked a lot of wild mushroms while Tina has been
grazing next to me and she has NEVER gotten the idea to take off and leave
me (or the grass?). I sometimes think that fjords bond in a different way
with their owners than many other breeds (generalizing again, I know).
They're a bit dog-like, aren't they?

But of course - I'm a fjord fan and a lot is a matter of training, but

Anneli in Sweden where spring seem to be on it's way at last!

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