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        Hi, Gail.  I'll try to recap how my gelding's training went.  In the
beginning I kept a diary of our lessons, but could not keep it up-just didn't
have the time.  Anyway, after the first lesson, my instructor decided ground
work would be a good place to start with my then almost 4yr. old, so we began
training him to lunge.  He put up quite a fuss at first, but by the end of the
1/2 hr. lesson, he mellowed out.  After Jock and I were pretty accomplished at
lunging, I lunged him for the first half of the lesson and rode for the second
half.  At this point in his training, we worked on control, keeping him
straight and driving him at a good steady pace.  My instructor's favorite word
was "DRIVE....DRIVE...DRIVE!  We did alot of trot-work for a long time, and
even now when my horse seems to be "going his own way" or not paying
attention, I go back to trot-work to get him focused.  
        We didn't begin canter-work until Jock was 6yrs old.  I cantered him 
and on trails, but not working in the indoor arena.  When we did start on the
canter, we again began with lunging.  Even though Jock was doing great on the
lunge line at the trot, he again rebelled when asked to canter.  As I said
before, I followed my teacher's advice and took my time, and now I can canter
that horse on a lead rope with no problem!  
        My instructor obviously has "tons" of patience and if anything I was 
the one
who would want to try do things with my horse that he wasn't ready for, but I
soon saw her wisdom.  The other consideration is that I was never looking to
compete and perhaps you are.  Our training spanned a period of about four
years by the time I would say Jock was accomplished in canter-work, though
there's always room for improvement.  The fact that I board my horse and am
only able to ride usually twice a week also made for a longer training time.
        It's 28 degrees and there's 3 inches of fresh snow on the ground today 
southeastern WI.  The days are getting longer-more riding time!

Sincerely,       Joni & Jock  

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