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Anneli:  I agree with your advice to take your time when training  a young
Fjord to ride.  I bought my 8yr. old gelding when he was just 3.5 yrs. old and
had about 30 days training, more or less. During our first lesson with my
dressage instructor she informed me that he didn't know much at all and we
would take it very slowly to get a good and lasting result.  "Jock" is the
first horse I have owned, so I didn't know anything about training either.  I
am so thankful for my instructor and her wisdom.  There were times when I
would get anxious to move on in our training, but I waited for my instructor's
"go ahead", and I am glad I did.  "Jock" is a wonderful, trustworthy horse,
who is a joy to take anywhere.  My teacher recently told me of another of her
students who owns a Fjord and was dissatisfied because the horse wasn't
learning advanced movements quick enough for her.  My teacher told her about
how well Jock and I work together since this girl thought the problem had
something to do with the breed.  

        Jock and I are continuing to "expand our horizons" and one way I'm 
doing this
is by teaching him to jump.  Would you tell me how you started this type of
training with your Fjord?  Did you start with ground pole training, or
cavalettis?  If you would like, you could e-mail the response to me at
Going on a "hunt" sounds exciting!  I'd like to hear more about that too.

Sincerely,  Joni & Jock

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