This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 12:00 AM 2/18/99 -0500, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Hello everyone!
>Well, now that I have purchased some Fjords, and am getting ready for the big
>move to Michigan, I find myself with a list of questions, and not too sure as
>to whom I should ask.  I would appreciate any assistance any of you can offer.

Well since most of your questions seem to be about getting them Registered,
DNA typed & shown I will take a stab at them for you.

>#1.  Concerning DNA testing, I know I am to take hairs from the mane and send
>them in with a kit.  I neglected to ask how many hairs?  Are they to be pulled
>from the root?  Where do I order this kit?  Who do I send it to?  

The DNA testing is a requirement for registration with the NFHR.  If you
are going to register them with us a DNA kit needs to be ordered from me.
You need to pull approx 50 or so hairs from either the mane or tail.  Body
hair doesn't work very well for some reason.  The lab needs the root of the
hair as that is what is tested, so do NOT cut the hair.  The address to
send it to is preprinted on the kit.  The kits are $60.00 each.  I do need
to know the horses registered name ( or how it is going to be registered),
reg # (if registered), its date of birth, sex, sire & dam & their reg #'s.
I also need to know the owners name & address & the ship to name & address.

>I am purchasing two Association Fjords, along with others with the Registry,
>so wish to have these two DNA tested prior to the close of the sale.  This is
>not to insinuate I do not believe they are Fjords, but to make the transaction
>as simple as possible.  

Well the DNA test will only help to prove parentage if the parents are DNA
tested also.  They may already be tested though.  I can check for you if I
know the names.

>Oh, and PLEASE no one lecture me on not purchasing Registry Fjords.

Not from me.  The NFHR accepts the Association pedigrees.  We only require
the DNA typing on breeding animals before registration with us to be sure
it has already been done if the horse is bred in the future.  

>#2.  I have heard a great deal about evaluations, classes on showing, etc.
>Who do I contact for these?  

Well they are usually announced on our web site  and in the
Fjord Herald.  Usually if one is being held in your area a mailing to that
area would be done as well.

>Where are they held?  

So far we have had them in Libby MT, Blue Earth MN (twice), Stafford VT &
Eugene OR.  There currently is one intended for the year 2000 in Turlock CA.

>Is there a limit as to how many horses I can bring?

There hasn't been yet.

>  Is there an age limit?  

There are different classes for different ages.  All ages are covered
though.  Performance classes do have a minimum age requirement.

>Do these evaluations count (for lack of a better word) concerning future 
> breeding possibilites, as in a resume of sorts?

Well that would depend on how much value your buyer puts on them.  If they
are an educated buyer I would think it would make them more valuable.  It
is certainly a tool that can & should be used by breeders.

>#3.  Is there some sort of North American evaluation list ranking stallions
>and mares showing their wins at shows and also their pedigrees?  If there is
>such a list, would it separate the Fjords into categories, such as fine-boned,
>sport, or draft?

No there isn't yet.  Maybe some day that will be done.  I doubt that they
would be categorized as you suggest though.  That info isn't recorded on
the evaluation score sheets.

>#4.  Last question.  Are there rules somewhere concerning shows?  What I mean
>is, what the expectations of the judges are concerning handler and horse in
>each category?

This right now depends on the particular show you are attending.  The NFHR
is preparing a booklet with general horse show rules & it will also have
the Breed Standard in it.

>I hope I have not overwhelmed everyone with my "novice" questions, but I
>figured if anyone would be able to answer, it would be all of you experienced

Hopefully I have answered them for you.  If you have specific questions
about registering your new horses with the NFHR please contact me directly.
 My email & phone numbers are below.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry                                  
Mike May, Registrar                                        
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

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