This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Could I please add, on behalf of the non-US-citizens, the question if you 
>could write the full names of your states? So we can have an idea of 
>which part of the US you are too. Now I guess PA is Pennsylvania, but...? 
>(Am I right?).
We do forget we have a lot of people on here from other countries.  I agree
we should be more descriptive with our Sig lines.

>How exotic to hear about the Amish and even more in combination with 
>Fjords! (I only know them from movies - the Amish I mean. Do they do a 
>lot with horses?).

Yes the Amish can not own cars or vehicles with rubber tires on them.  So
they drive their black carriages, normally with dark colored horses
anyplace they go.  They also don't have electricity in their homes or


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry  
Mike May, Registrar
Webster, NY, USA (Suburb of Rochester)

 Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497


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