This message is from: Lindsay&Jim Sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List,  My name is Lindsay Sweeney I am located in Central Vermont,
USA in the little town of may have even heard of the town
where we live since we do have our very own movie star, he's our neighbor,
Fred Tuttle, ever hear of him?  Fred and his friend John O'Brien, (a name
at least some of you out there must know!!), these two have been in the
political news most recently, they have two movies out which are, of
course, shot in our town and we town folk all get to help!! Their first
movie, "Vermont is for Lovers" was good, and the next one "Man with a Plan"
(ring any bells yet?)was very good (a political satire of sorts!)with
Norwegian Fjord Horses in it!  Not as exciting as aliens or anything like
Disney, but  My husband, Jim, drove his pair Hella & Sonora in a major
scene involving a covered bridge and there was also a 'long horse' spoof
involving two brown dun mares and a couple of sliding barn doors!  Has
anyone on this list ever seen either of these two totally obscure movies
and remembered seeing the Fjords?  Would anyone like to see these movies, I
could tell you how to obtain a copy (all videos stores in this region carry
the "Man with a Plan" video)  The Fjords really stand out in all their
splendor and as it's near the end of the movie, everybody seems to notice
the horses!!  Then people would see our names and farm listed in the
credits and make a great fuss over having seen Norwegian Fjord Horses at
the movies!!! 
        I have been lurking for far too long and would like to get involved in 
ongoing discussions on some of the topics being posted, especially the ones
I've actually followed along over the last month or so.  This list has been
very interesting to me and it sure is nice to know that there are so many
other normal people who are also totally obsessed with their Fjords!  I've
been a "Fjord-Person" ever since I laid eyes on my first one in 1984. Now
fifteen years later I have a little precious herd of my very own which
includes the first Norwegian Fjord Horse I ever owned, the truly
magnificent SOLAR (22), three mature mares, Hella (19) she was actually
given to me because she was so "RUDE", little did they know how intelligent
and athletically gifted Miss Hella really is! Sonora (13) a knock-out Red
Dun imported from Norway with an interesting marking which I plan to share
with all of you at a later posting, Rjita Mae (10) a real powerhouse mare,
daughter of the famous sport Fjord mare Civian!, Ljectra (4), Tjiva (3),
and Ljaela (2), all beautiful mares from SOLAR, plus Zjeena (2) an
exquisite filly by HOSTAR, and my fluffiest Bravmann, a 1998 SOLAR colt out
of Rjita Mae who is looking like he has all the right stuff!!(it's only
fair to mention the Fjord-wanna-bes that live with us:  Chestry Oak (25) TB
retired 3-Day Event Star turned baby machine (anyone catch the January '99
cover story of Practical Horseman?  The stallion Wintry Oak, owned by Denny
Emerson, pictured on the cover is Chestry's second of six foals so far (we
hope our next breeding is to a Cleveland Bay Stallion recently imorted from
England practically into our back yard, what luck!! wish us luck, we'll
need it!),Petunia (25ish) about 9hands and all Shetland pony!for Hayley
(4)to ride untill she's large enough for the fjords! and the geldings Lenny
and Ebony, an appendix quater horse and a Tennessee Walker, plus a llama,
donkey and two goats along with two white barn cats and a giant Golden
Retriever, Otto, and a tiny Yorkshire Terrier, Beaner  that sums up my
        While I won't go on much longer tonight, since I am on the Norwegian 
Horse Registry (NFHR) B.O.D.  and along with Marcy Baer, (Chairperson of
the Promotional Committee), in charge of Equitana USA '99 you will be
hearing plenty from me in the very near future.  I am keenly interested in
the discussions concerning athleticism in the Fjord breed and will look
forward to it as an ongoing topic.  Thanks so much to all you loyal
contributers, I have enjoyed myself and learned things along the way, now I
hope I can contribute something equally as useful...'Til then keep on
kissing those Fjords!

Lindsay Sweeney
Tunbridge, VT 05077

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