This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tuesday, 26 May 98, Cynthia wrote:

> Question: Getting Fjords to cross water. Tank will follow another horse
> through water and cross the same puddle once  he has been through it, but
> will not cross the next one he sees by himself!

  What Cynthia fails to mention here, is that Tank may have been
  correct about crossing the "puddles". My Morgan Pferd and I were
  providing the example that there was nothing dangerous about
  crossing the puddle, (these are bodies of water up to thirty feet
  long by twenty wide), when we discovered a hole belly deep on a
  Morgan in the middle. Cynthia says Pferd stumbled, but she wasn't on
  his back to feel him drop into the hole. After that we provided a
  more cautious example for Tank, staying much closer to the edge of
  these horse-eating puddles. They certainly are deep enough to harbor
  a crocodile or two but we won't tell Tank.

Steve McIlree & Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha, 
Nebraska, USA
  Have you driven a Fjord, lately?

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