This message is from: Reinbowend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Julie, Carol, Dave  This is great ... Having this forum to air our opinions is
so important and really using the net the way it can be most productive. So
many lists steer away from anything that might be perceived as inflammatory.

As for your letters, my thoughts. Obviously I think performance is very
important. Not only because doing so succesfully is really the best form of
promotion for the breed but because a horse that is in performance condition
has reached his peak and you can readily see what he or she looks like when
well muscled and bloomy. As for stallions behavior...  A horse misbehaving at
a breed show isn't fun to watch, but  it isn't often the best indication of
his character. Also the fitter a horse is the more inclined he is to
misbehave. A good number of the Advanced horses at Ocala misbehaved terribly
at the vet check, and none of them could use testicles as an excuse, they just
felt really good and these were large warm-bloods which when they act up is
very impressive Both my mares and Marnix go through a temperment change when
they are really fit. Partly due to the increased intake of food and just
because they feel so good. They dance about and are alot spookier to sounds
and scary things flapping about. Then ofcourse there are the horses who have
been allowed to run rough shod over everyone and think it's perfectly
exceptable. With a stallion this would be a really unfortunate situation, but
we all know it happens.  Anyway what I'm trying to say is that if you see a
stallion acting up I wouldn't necessarily rule him out as a breeding prospect.
I could probably go on at great lengths, but won't bore you. Please lets keep
up the dialogue, and is Pat Wolfe on this list?
Vivian in Vermont

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