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Hi Everyone,
    It's been awhile since we've posted anythign on the digest. I've been 
paying close attention to the postings of late regarding the Dutch Kuering 
and talk of the "American Fjord". 
    First, how can we, as a group, tell the Dutch that we are not going to 
recognize their judgements on the horse that originated from that region of 
the world and has only become somewhat popular in this country in the last 
20-30 years? We as a group , my opinion of course, should welcome the Dutch 
with open arms and be willing to learn as much as possible from them while 
they are here. Many of our group have had the opportunity to make the trip to 
the "motherland" and have returned with a new found respect for this 
wonderful horse and all it has to offer.When the EC of the NFHR vote on March 
8th to decide whether to recoginze the evaluations from these judges, I 
believe, they will. We as a group have the responsibility to adhere to a 
system the Dutch have cultivated and has proven to be in the best interest 
this breed.
    Second, the talk of the "American Fjord" scares the dickens out of a 
person who truly believes in doing whatever it takes to keep this breed as 
pure as we can. What comes to my mind, and we all know about these, what has 
happened to the Morgan, Quarter  and now the Halflinger breeds. This horse is 
a Norwegian Fjord Horse. If a person breeds a Tennesee Walker in 
Pennsylvania, they don't call it a Pennsylvania Walker, it's still a Tennesee 
Walking horse. I could go on with all the different analogies but the point 
is this, We as a "group" have a responsibility to keep this horse the same in 
this country as it is in the country this horse originated from. I won't 
belabor this point any longer accept to say, I will never call my horse 
anything but a Norwegian Fjord Horse and if I have the opportunity to have my 
horse judged by the "experts" from the country this horse originated from I 
will do so as quickly as possible. And if ,in those judges opinions, my 
horses do not "cut the mustard", they will never be bred again!
    Okay, enough preaching! Everyone enjoy this beautiful day!

                                        Best Regards,
                                            Mike Cook
                                            West Church Fjords 

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