This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Meredith, I'm with you. We viewed it tonight to take our minds off having to
put our 9 1/2 yr old male Golden, Chutney, down this afternoon. Very, very,
hard! But the video was OK with me, being neither more nor less than I
expected. I kept looking for Orville, but he must have been having a bad
hair day. Anita, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother - such a loss.

The web site is ready to go online, but we've been preoccupied with Chut and
his decline. Don't despair.

Regarding my recent post saying that we were all going to have lots of
"gun" - this must refer to a new idea for a class at Libby. We all sit
backwards on our horses and shot at each other with paint guns as we race
madly around the arena.... Don't like it? Party Poopers.

Bye - Peg Knutsen, Knutsen Fjord Farm

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