This message is from: mary marquis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Carl and Sarah Nagel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: "Carl and Sarah Nagel"
> >This message is from: "Brigid Verry"
> >
> >Hi Everyone,
> >I have just joined the mailing list and would like
> some help.  I
> like what I have read about the breed in my search
> for a breed of
> >horse/pony that is suitable for small kids to gain
> their confidence and
> >then go on to have a lovely riding pony to do
> things on.
> >Are the Fjords too strong for small children?
> I
> Dear Brigid,
> Our family very much depends on our Fjords for
> teaching our kids about
> horses.  This was one of the reasons we selected
> Fjords as a breed.  We had
> a 25 year old mare with perfect manners and who was
> able to stand patiently
> and move carefully and gently around the kids (5 and
> 7).  At the same time,
> you must always approach teaching the kids the basic
> safety and handling
> rules that pertain to all horses.  We now have a 16
> year old mare who is
> patient and kind and actually loves all the
> attention bestowed on her by my
> youngsters, but I notice that she moves more quickly
> and yet seems very
> aware of the kids and is careful with them.  Our
> yearling is much more
> energetic, and yet he also will slow down and put
> his head down to be near
> the kids ... the Fjords seem to really "like"
> children as a rule.
> Also, with their mostly steadier and unflappable
> (all tho not all of them)
> personalities, I feel they are particularly suited
> to being around kids.
> My daughter had the opportunity to school on a Fjord
> owned by the Anderson
> family -- Budd, an 8 year old gelding who is over 15
> hands and big as a
> tank.  He was gentle, aware and very careful of my 7
> year old.  There is no
> cuter site than the site of a small child leading a
> big old boy like that
> around.  He would actually lower his head and
> shorten his stride so as not
> to step on her, he was so good.  Well, maybe the
> site of her cleaning out
> one of his big feet...that was pretty darn cute
> also.  Well, maybe the site
> of her cantering bareback on him on the lunge line
> with Laree teaching her
> ... ah, Fjords and kids!
> All in all, Fjords are great family horses, offering
> something for each of
> us.  Even tho, they have great strength, they are
> easily trained and very
> willing to do what we need them to do.
> IMO, they are also SMARTER than "other" horses!!! 
> This makes them special
> as well.  I'll stop now ... cuz I could go on and on
> and on ...
> Sarah Nagel in Northern Idaho .... loving her fuzzie
> Fjords
> Hi, I'm a current horse owner but do not know much
about the fjord horses and would like to know more.
Could you tell me where to find more info?


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