This message is from: Nancy Hotovy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Your statement about the Committee and the BOD is totally correct.  The
committee has presented a total plan to the BOD and we have not had a
reply as of yet.  A whole method to train junior evaluators (and yes, we
said there were probably breeders out there who could be objective and
we would allow them to apply also).  Brian Jensen put in a lot of effort
in coming up with a plan for training evaluators last winter and the
committe thought it very good.  We all have to realize that everyone
that applies to become an evaluator will not make it.  This will make
bad feelings I'm sure, but obviously not everyone is cut out to do the
job and we really do want those totally familiar with breed standard,
evaluating the Fjord Horse and able to remain unbiased.  I feel this is
a pretty tall order.  

The reasons the committee had for not using the European Evaluators was
that even though they are very familiar with the Fjord horse, the
American system was created because we wanted our Fjords to be evaluated
in much more than conformation and/or a simple driving test.  Therefore,
an evaluator has to have a background in driving, English Riding,
Western Riding and draft work and be able to fairly judge the Fjord on
all of the tests.

To all of those on the list - Do contact a BOD member and let them know
your opinions.  This is something that needs to move on and as stated
before the Evaluation Committee has been, is and will be a continual
working committee.  There will always be something to work on and
"fix".  We do realize that everything is not perfect, but a continual
"work in progress".


Nancy Hotovy

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