This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 02:39 PM 8/13/99 -0400, you wrote:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Mike, everyone,

As was suggested, we applied for approval to hold an eval, but were not given
approval for two reasons.  One is the simple fact there are not enough
evaluators to have an evaluation, and the second reason was because we
requested financial assistance to host our first evaluation.

Actually neither of these reasons were given. You proposal for an evaluation in 2000 did not get to the voting stage as of yet. It was decided to try and settle the lack of evaluators first and then discuss it. Your request for financial support was not even discussed. Your proposal was not on the agenda as it was received to late to be on it. However it was brought up and discussed.

According to
figures I was given, the Vermont eval cost over $6000.  IF our club and other
members were able to enter 25 horses, and using that $6000 figure as a rough
estimate, that comes to $240 per horse plus stabling, travel, hotel, food,

Those figures included the stabling costs and I think they included the meals that were served. The meals were paid for by the participants & they were actually a source of income I believe. So the numbers are not really what they might seem. That was the total expense.

Another SERIOUS glitch for us is the fact many people want their young horses
evaluated to decide on stallion potential, mare breeding potential, show
potential, etc.  I was told it probably is not a good idea to have horses
under 4 evaluated as the evaluators will not write too much but "still
growing" on the eval sheet!

Actually I just looked at the sheets from the Blue Earth 98 eval. The under 3 horses were given scores just like all the rest of them were. There were comments on some of them that said something to the effect of "High in rear quarters - Due to age?" Some of the yearlings actually got blue ribbons.

I do not have enough
stabling for 25 or more horses.  What I DO have, however, is extra pens,
rings, even possibly portable rings.  I was trying to figure out some way of
making the eval cheaper for the participants, and stabling put a hitch into
that idea!  Maybe one of our members has that sort of facility.

Well the last time I was at Libby (1994) they used portable stalls that were setup outside. Blue Earth also uses portable stalls but they are inside of a barn. I don't think using portables would be a real big problem. If you were going to do so I would let it be know in your mailing that it was going to be the case.

My comments concerning the Fjord clubs becoming affiliated the the NFHR for
evaluation purposes came from this thought.  It would provide five consistent
and yearly evaluations along with five Fjord shows.

This is something that the various clubs would have to address.

ces upon people.

I must say, on a personal note, I find this entire evaluation discussion very
disheatening.  I love this breed, and would like to see such a program
incorporated on a regular and consistent basis.

As to having them on a regular basis I think it will eventually come to this. We have to crawl before we walk though. What if we had them every year and the third year we only have say 10 horses show up? The expenses are about the same. The income just wouldn't be there to support it though.

The evaluation process was a
leading factor favoring the NFHR over all other registries when we decided
which registry to go with for our horses.  I am very shocked and dismayed at
the obvious politics involved within this particular aspect, and while I know
this will be denied, I am convinced politics does play a strong role in the
evaluation process.

Please give some examples if you have any. I really don't see much in the line of politics in the system. The Board & the Eval committee have tried very hard to keep them out.

We have heard from various people the desire to hold evaluations close to
their area.  Surely, between all of us, we can resolve this hurdle.  However,
I must admit from a personal opinion, I am ready to wash my hands of the
entire subject, and begin hiring judges to evaluate my stock versus going
through this fighting.

I didn't know we were fighting. I thought we were discussing the possibility of having an Evaluation in MI next year.

Lets resolve one issue at a time here Lynda. This whole program is still a "Work in Progress".



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

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