This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

dear linda and list,  i believe that fat people are just that, fat.  just
like skinny people are skinny.  no one gets upset when we say that, just
like they should'nt get upset with the word "fat".   (too much worrying
about what is and is'nt politically correct.)   i agree that alex's story
was great, and  i still think there is a case for lessened coordination etc
in people of weight.  i also agree that beginners might have a problem too,
but it should be the owner's call as to whether he will or will not teach
someone, without having to worry about being sued for discrimination if
someone is fat and uses that as the reason.  it is, after all, his
livelyhood on the line.   he asked for opinions and i gave mine, as you did
for yours too.   it makes everyone think a little more.  so lets get back to
the real point of this list, and that is the great fjords we all love to
talk about.    denise delgado in mokelumne hill.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 12, 1999 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: Weight Carrying Abilities of Fjords

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hello Denise, everyone,
> I found the comments made, i.e. "fat rider" and "weighting" to be very
> offensive.  I am also a little would seem to me that any
> beginning rider might have problems with "balance, coordination, and quick
> reflexes".  Should this be taken that people should not train beginning
> riders as well, or only "fat" beginning riders?
> I think when people decide to professionally train, open a business, etc.,
> they must be careful of all aspects, including liability AND
> One has to weigh this carefully, I do think.
> Alex, I found your story wonderful, and think it is great you took this
> student on!  You obviously were sucessful, else she would not be coming
> to you!
> Lynda

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