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I just got my DNA test kit in the mail.  What I thought would be an easy job 
looks a little more daunting than I expected.  Silly me.  I thought I'd just 
pluck a couple hairs out of Skylark's tail, and ship them out.  I had NO CLUE 
that I'd have to wrap my finger up in her tail, and pull 50-100 hairs out at 
the same time!!  First, I'm not sure I have the strength to pull all that out 
in one yank, and I'd be mentally wanting to not pull that hard, cause it's 
gotta hurt!  Second, if I do muster up what it takes to pull 100 hairs out of 
her tail in one shot, she's going to want to knock my lights out!  So, for 
those of you more experienced with the DNA test, can you tell me what YOU do 
when it comes time to get some tail hair?

Perplexed Pamela

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