This message is from: Karen McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We seem to be having problems with halters causing sores on a few of >our Fjords...We only use halters for leading and we do leave them on >when the horses are out to pasture for their allotted 1-5 hours
per day.  Lynda
          Bailey's Fjord Horse Farm


The first thing that comes to my mind, and probably most of us here at "the List" is: Why are you leaving the halters on while they are out at pasture? Unless you are using funky,old leather halters that can easily break should a horse get hung up, forget using them at turnout! I live in arid N. Nevada, and my herd is on irrigated pasture at least half a day. The few bugs we do have here really seem to drive them nuts.They itch their cheeks and jaws and just about every other kind of anatomical protrubrance on the fences and trees. A halter would really cause some bad rubs and also pull out a few fenceposts, not to mention cause injury to the horses. For itchy spots caused by Buffalo gnats and mosqoitos,and just plain old rubbing I have been applying a product by Gold Nugget called GnatAway, (to repel them) and following it up with another product they make called Equine Theraputic Lotion,( ETL.) I used this stuff on a filly,that overnight looked like she had rubbed half of the hair on her face. In 3 weeks she was on the road showing, most of her hair growing in nicely.

Take care, Karen

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