This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/3/99 7:36:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Has anyone tried rope halters? >>

Hi Lynda-

I am enjoying the posts on halters. I started with the halters which "came 
with" my two geldings. They were flat nylon. I had problems keeping the 
horses heads out of the grass, especially when leading both at once! I heard 
that thin rope halters offered more control, and found this to be true. When 
my horses' heads hit the ground, you need a crane to get them back up. The 
rope halters give me an extra edge in keeping the heads up while leading.

I agree that leaving halters on can be dangerous. I let my horses run loose 
in the arena (halters on)  before we "work," but I am there watching. When 
unsupervised, halters are off (and removed from the area, as they will chew 
them up : )

Brigid in CA

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