This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sunday, January 28, 2001, you wrote:

> I take a roll or two at a time to get one or two really good
> pictures. Occasionally a fabulous picture comes out. This is not
> just an "amateur" problem either. Someone very close to me in my
> past was a filmmaker/photographer. He'd go through rolls and rolls
> to get just the right picture.

  Back in the late '60s the Army chose to train me as a
  cinematographer (read combat cameraman). The first lesson, repeated
  often throughout our training was, FILM IS CHEAP. Bottom line, the
  biggest difference between amateurs and pros in photography, is the
  amount of film they are willing to shoot to get the right picture. I
  think that's one reason experienced photographers are adopting
  digital so readily. With the digital camera, you can take two
  hundred pictures of the same subject, throw away 199 and still not
  feel you're wasting anything.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  Have you driven a Fjord, lately?

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