This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mary, you don't need to don your flame suit and run.  Reality is reality.  I
live in dairy country, and MOST of the bulls bred to the Holsteins are beef
bulls, and I would roughly guess that ALL of those babies go for hamburg.
They A-I when they want replacement heifers.  I don't know as I've ever seen
a Holstein bull at any of the farms, but lots of Black Angus Bulls.  And
while we're talking about those big, beautiful sad eyes, what about all the
"Bambi's" that get shot and eaten every year?  Chickens, pigs?  If folks are
gonna gripe, we better start seeing a whole lot more vegetarians!  And, I
might add that I've seen a lot of dog owners on this list,... wonder what
their dogs eat.  And one last point which I've already seen mentioned here
somewhere,... some countries eat horse meat as frequently as our country
eats beef.  Does that make them terrible people and Americans compassionate
people?  (The steers don't think so!)  Granted, it breaks my heart to know
that some horses that are better than some in backyards are ending up on
somebody's dinner plate.  But that's life.  I know it doesn't sound like it,
but to keep the record straight, I've been an AVID horse lover since I was a
kid.  (Back then I'd walk 7 miles just to see a hoof print in the sand, and
it was a thrill to see a pile of manure!)  I still have a passion for
horses.  But reality is reality.  I didn't say I liked it.  Judy
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: Alternative " Ranching "

>This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> In a message dated 1/21/01 1:18:17 AM Eastern
>> Standard Time,
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> <<
>>  What happens to most of those cute little dairy calves that
>are born every year so that we can all drink milk.
>Believe me, not all(in fact very few) of them are kept
>as 'replacement cows' - and that applies only to the
>heifers.  Where do you think most of those cute little
>bull calves wind up?  Reality check time.  Farmin'
>ain't always pretty.
>Mary, donning flame suit and running now.
>Mary Thurman
>Raintree Farms
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