This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/20/01 11:30:11 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

<<   I cannot handle going
 to those sales, as half the horses go to slaughter, and that only because
 people have NOT taken care of them, or because they breed w/o purpose and so
 the result is like a bunch of yearlings etc with nowhere to go.   Probably a
 few of the  Belgians that came thru are out of peelines(sp?)
 Sorry, just had to steam off here.  GRRRRRRRRRRRR
 Janne in ND >>

   Otherwise known as Premerin Lines. ( They make a hormone replacment for 
menopase age women out of mare urine, and the drafts are bigger, thus more 
pee, and tend to comply with standing in tie stalls, catherized for months. ) 
 Yes, one of the major player in pee ranching is in the Dakotas. The other 
biggies are mostly in Canada. My rancher friend, Jack, in Sask. Canada, see's 
100's of Draft and Draft crosses run through the spring auctions each week. 
All foals, and they sell for 50.00 to the meat guy. A result of keeping the 
Premerin mares, bred, thus making the hormone thats needed. The older ones 
get more, by the pound. All sent to the canners for the Europeian markets and 
Japan, for consumption. 

I also do not stomach auctions that sell horses to the (always there in the 
back row,) meat guys.    Lisa

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