This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have had trouble with insurance the moment you say colic.  They need to
differentiate between gas and tendency toward serious colic.  My big horse
Charlie has what I call "lie down" spells. He is nineteen so they have not
been serious.  By the time the Vet gets here he is up and eating.  I am sure
he has had many more of these than I have seen.  The Vets give me a hypo of
banamine for him so I do not have to call them out.  I have learned to give
him a handful of epson salts occasionally in cold weather or if he goes on
local hay. Makes them drink more water. This can keep a blockage from
happening. Plus he likes the stuff???  Not to much as it gives them

Some horses seem more sensitive than others.  Maybe worm damage as a
youngster?  Who knows.  One thing is putting your ear to their bellies and
if you hear sounds they are usually okay.  Do this when they are okay first
to know what it sounds like. The noise we hope our stomachs do not make in
church!!!!  Then if they are colicky check both sides and if one side is
quiet or both then take action.  Walking helps some colics, not all.

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

-----Original Message-----
From: Sue Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, November 25, 2000 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #305

>This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>HI everyone... Storm coliced tonight.  Found him lying down on the snow at
>suppertime.  Brought him in the barn and he would not eat.  We  started
>walking him and called the vet.  The vet  turned out to be a new guy
>originally  from the Netherlands.  He is replacing one of the regular vets
>and happened to be on call tonight.  He took his
>gave him a shot and tubed him.  Afterwards Storm ate his portion of
>grain..but vet said no hay till morning and only after a good bowel
>movement.  I  Just checked on him at midnight and he has had a soft bowel
>movement.  He believes that drinking icy cold water (our weather finally
>turned cold this past week)  probably caused this.  What do you think?
>anyone really know what causes colic?  He suggested giving him warmish
>in the morning before he gets a chance to drink the cold stuff.  Our water
>supply for him is an overflow from an artesian well.  Do most of you use
>heater coils in your water tubs or feed cold water?
>Do any of you carry mortality insurance on your horses?  Could I get it on
>Storm where he has had this one episode of colic or belly ache...or would
>that matter?  Just wondering.....This tummy ache episode has really got me
>worried.  Thankfully, he did not show too much discomfort.  He did  pass
>some gas and had a bit of a loose bowel movement before the vet got here.
>Does this seem to be true  colic symptoms?  Lying down, not eating and
>passing gas...also he did  bite and kick at his sides..  not a whole lot
>some.....but other than that did not seem to be suffering too much.  We had
>him out and walked him an hour and a half after the vet left and he seemed
>lively and normal...sure hope the worst is over.  The vet seemed to think
>might have been that classed as colic?  Anyhow goodnite .  I will
>keep everyone informed....say a prayer.   Sue, (Desert Storms mom}

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