This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I love Pat Holland's ideas of a National Show. It sounds so exciting, all
those stallions to drool over, all the people and horses from all over the
country to finally meet in person. 

Personally I would prefer a single central location that stayed the same
every year. If the national show moves around, I don't think we'll get the
'bringing together' effect and chance to meet people and their horses from
outside our geographical region. Lincoln Nebraska looks quite central and I
would travel to go there, and bring horses, it looks like a three day drive
from here. 

Tops on my list for attending any show is that it is well organized and run.
By that I mean that the programs go out well in advance to allow me to plan
who I'm bringing and what I'm going in; that the classes start on time and
finish by a reasonable time; that the judge is very familiar with Fjord
breed type; that the facilities are safe; that there are written rules and
standards for tack, apparel, etc. This does not in any way detract from the
fun or friendliness of a show. I know I have travelled very far to go to
regional shows where some of the above points were missing. This detracts
from my enjoyment of the show and I wonder if it accounts for the low
attendance in recent years. The new show held in NY was very well organized
and also very fun and friendly, so the two are not mutually exclusive.

Here's to Pat for coming up with such an ambitious idea, and I hope it
becomes a reality.

Lori Albrough
Moorefield Ontario

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