This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 05:18 AM 10/29/00 +0000, you wrote:
The next point that I think needs to be addressed before we can go any farther with this concept of a National show is that the NFHR must support and maintain this 100%, with co-operation and full participation by regional groups. So here again, we come to the "bump" in the road: do we (as local/regional groups) affiliate with the NFHR, or will this remain an unanswered topic with the NFHR, and we remain "in limbo"?

I think in order for this "Unanswered" topic to be answered it has to be formally asked of the NFHR BOD. Someone needs to come up with a proposal for them before an answer can be forth coming. I have been on almost every BOD meeting that has been held in the last 7 - 8 years now & I can't ever remember a real proposal being brought to them to discuss.

So how about someone putting some thoughts on paper (or some electronic words would do I guess) and sending a proposal to the BOD of the NFHR. I think someone needs to do this before a National show is possible. The major Promotional groups need to be more connected to the NFHR and each other if this is ever going to work.

By supporting, I am thinking in terms of the NFHR sponsoring and setting up NFHR qualifying classes at the regional shows, and then inviting the qualifiers to the Nationals.

At this point you would be able to invite anyone that owns a Fjord and not have an over crowding problem I am afraid. I think you can probably get enough horses but I don't think you will have a problem of having to many yet. I also think the NFHR Promo committee might just be open to sponsoring some classes at the regional shows.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

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