This message is from: "Meredith Sessoms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hubby was out working with Storm tonight and had a chain under his chin (He
>refuses to budge or else wants to throw his head and go where he wants)
>without it.  They didn't do too badly except Storm would attempt to bow his
>neck and take off if he could.  He also tends to crowd.  When standing he
>takes the leadline or chain ...whatever he can get hold of...into his
>If you take off the leadline and attempt to lead him  with just the halter
>he will try to bite...(while refusing to move. )

I was told by a trainer that, and I believe John Lyons also goes by this
rule, that if they do something hurtful and on purpose to you, you have
three seconds to make them think their world has just ended without really
hurting them.  Biting definately comes under that rule.  It's no more/no
less than their own mother would do.  It won't do just to swat at them or
smack them, mine thinks that is just a game.  With a serious biter, I'd
carry a bat with a popper on it every time I handled him until he found out
I was not going to stand such behavor.  Look in the archives about biting,
there has been a lot written on the subject, and some of the posts might
help you with your bad boy.

I am refining my 3 year old fillies ground training because without knowing
any better I let her walk a bit more forward than she should with her
shoulder next to my hip instead of her head next to my hip where I want her
to be.  She also walks a bit faster than I do so I'm training her to walk
with her head beside me and to back up a step when I say 'Whoa' and we come
to a stop, and just to respect me and pay more attention to me all the way
around.  We are taking long walkabouts - 30-45 minutes - over the pasture
every day to instill these things I want to become habit with her.

Something like this - but maybe 10-20 minutes, unlil he learns some respect
for you - including lots of stopping and starting, tying him up to a tree
and making him wait on you for a short spell before you start walking again,
turning circles, and leading from both sides might help get the fellow in
line.  Something that helped me when I was training Aagot to lead properly
when she was a wee yearling was to carry a dressage whip in the hand away
from the filly, when ever I started off and felt her hesatate for even a
millisecond I cave her a tap on the rump which packed just enough suprise to
keep her with me instead of her playing 'silly filly'.  This allowed me to
lay off hauling around on her lead which is something you want to avoid as
much as possible, because you want them to move out like somebody, not to
lolly-gag around beside you.

Last night ... it was so-o-o cute ... Steve and I went on our walk with me
leading Aagot, two wag-tailed Labradors leading the way and two of our cats,
Khyber and Splash, who came along for the entire trip.  It was so funny
watching those cats take turns bounding through the grass behind us, panting
and crying 'little lost kitty'!!!!!

.>>>.<<<.      Meredith Sessoms
.>>>.<<<.      Tooksend Art
.>>>.<<<.      Moulton . Alabama . USA

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