This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I know you will be delighted to learn that Betsy and I drove the "Rent a
Wreck" off a big cliff and it is now resting in peace covered by 1000
feet of water. Or 1000 meters, whatever.

Just kidding. We parked it in Bergen on Tuesday the ninth and it was
picked up, I assume, by the R. A. W. folks on Wednesday. For the rest of
our vacation, not a day passed without one of us saying how much we
missed the delights of lurching our way up the gears.... I'm sure that
experience contributed to my wrenching my back at the Stavanger train
station as we headed home. I told Betsy that it was a blankety-blank
good thing that I didn't do it while trying to lift HER suitcase, in
which was packed not only a piece of wood from her ancestral home, but
also a BIG ROCK from same!

As it was, she was stuck with lugging all the bags around on the trip
home, since I was a crippled up old lady. The filght home was horrid!
Does anyone know whether all people in Great Britian have short thighs,
or does British Airways just put the seats so close together as some
kind of cruel joke? I have long legs, granted, but I'm only 5' 8" and I
couldn't sit straight in my seat without crushing my knees and lower
back Of course I bore it all with dignity and grace, as Betsy will
attest. I hope your trip home was more pleasant.

Bye for now, Peg Knutsen

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