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Hi All:  I've been offline a while getting my tower fixed.  Seems there are 
some nice posts re: Fjords being different.  The Fjords I originally 
described were two very different colors---one a brown dun and the other a 
"white" dun with almost no visible markings unless you get him wet!  So, the 
color theory is debatable.  
    However, the brown dun is my mare's foal, now grown, and even after a 
long separation, they certainly recognized each other!  Whenever I take Riata 
over for training, I give her a moment to nuzzle her baby.  They seem to 
"talk" and I think it is beneficial.  Afterwards, she works fine and is not 
distracted by Sagan's presence.  He often goes back to grazing content to 
know mom isn't gone from his life.  I would never question a horse's 
considerable memory and I think their emotional well-being is too often 
     Are Fjords different?  Plenty of us think so for whatever reason.  It is 
truly something to see when it is "shown" to us in such an obvious way.

Pamela Garofalo

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