This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do Fjords recognize themselves? 
> Inquiring minds want to 
> > know.
> > 
> In my limited experience, Yes!! This is typical. 
> I've had my Fjords almost 
> instantly bond with strange Fjords.  I've seen quite
> a few "other" horses 
> that are actually scared of fjords.

We have also noticed this difference with Fjords. 
They seem to prefer each other over 'other' breeds.  I
even had one young Fjord gelding that was actually
afraid of 'other' horses.  Not fun on a trail when one
meets(or is overtaken by) a bunch of people riding
'other' horses!  A trainer(who has experience with
Fjords) once mentioned to me - after seeing this
happen regularly with my gelding - that he thought it
was because Fjords have very subtle body language
compared to other breeds.  They communicate with very
understated moves and to them another
horse coming down the trail behaving in a 'normal' way
for the other breed, was actually "shouting at the top
of his lungs" to the Fjord.  All of which made the
Fjord want to simply 'melt into the scenery' and avoid
this 'loud and obnoxious' horse.  I think maybe the
idea has some merit, as my young Fjord was not spooky
about other things - he just did not like 'other'

While our two Fjord geldings were at the training barn
- the only two Fjords on the premises - they kept
pretty much to themselves when let out for 'free time'
with other geldings.  We thought it was because they
grew up together - but now that I think about it, they
weren't even very interested in the other horses. 
Hmmmm.  Maybe it IS the different smell, as Amy
suggests.  I must say I have noticed that Fjords don't
smell like most other horses - especially the ulsdun
Fjords smell different!!  Line smells more like 'wet
dog' than 'wet horse' after a good rain.  Ughhh!  It
took a bit of getting used to for me - as I am one of
those crazy people who likes the smell of horses.



Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms
Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards®

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