This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> DeeAnna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sissel is "hard" to worm I suppose you'd say, but the problem with
> her is that she bites the wormer tube so hard I can't take it out
> of her mouth. Going in is not a problem -- she just opens wide and
> chomps down tight. Picture DeeAnna laughing and pulling on one end
> of the wormer tube and Sissel tugging mightily on the other end.

I've had similar "problems" worming our Fjord geldings.  They have on
occasion actually crunched the wormer tube with their molars hard
enough to break it, then attempted to grind and swallow the pieces!
(Fortunately, the label held things together long enough for me to
extract the wreckage from their mouths.)  I now grab them under the
chin-groove, so I can control the sideways motion of their heads, then
get the wormer tube in and out (via the gap in teeth at their bars) as
promptly as I can.  Yes, they "open wide" for wormer, and I scold them
(Ah-h-ht!) if they try to close their mouths before I'm done.  BTW, we
do all of this with them unhaltered!  Fjords are such "hard" animals
to work on....  ;-)

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

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