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In a message dated 10/6/01 7:46:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< I believe that any stallion left whole should be an outstanding individual 
 not just a ball-bearing horse.  I am a Nazi when it comes to a sharp knife.  

LOL Gayle!! I agree that it's very tempting to see the "dollar signs" in 
owning a stallion (or breeding a mare for that matter). I think the NFHR 
Journal addressed this issue a few months back. What people forget is the 
time & expense of keeping breeding animals and the fact that it's not a 100% 
gamble. The stallion might not be fertile, the mare might not take, the foal 
and/or mare can die during pregnancy and birthing. So many variables. Also as 
you say there are already too many stallions. If each stallion can cover 80 
mares a year (as I've read some do in Europe, lucky guys : ) then he has a 
huge influence on the breed. Whereas, a mare can only bear one foal each 
year. So only the most "true to type" with great talent should be kept entire.

It's interesting to see how, since the Fjord is so versatile, there are 
breeding programs for each type. Some more inclined towards driving, 
dressage, draft or what have you.

Brigid M Wasson 
San Francisco Bay Area, CA 
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