This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In light of the reason discussion on the misbehaving of a colt, I wanted to
> bring up a discussion that we have had quite a bit of locally.  WHEN is the
> best time to geld a colt.

That's something that'll have a lot of different answers.  Some folks
want them to "get their growth" first.  One vet who used to post to
another list said "any time after the mare has the foal licked dry"!
Some say to wait for fly-less weather (less chance of fly-carried
infections), others say not in the winter (because cold-hosing the
site is sometimes part of the therapy---hard to do with frozen hoses).
Some want to do it by the phases of the moon (sorry, I don't know the
details of the theory).  

My favorite answer came from one of my vets---"as soon as possible
after the owner brings up the subject".

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

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